Living in hot areas can be detrimental to vision

Prolonged stay in hot regions can affect eye diseases and vision. Photo: File

Washington: American experts have said after a survey that regardless of gender, ethnicity, income and education, the rate of eye diseases may be high among people living in hot areas, especially the elderly.

If the average temperature increases by 15 degrees Celsius, the risk of visual impairment may increase by about 44%. However, the reason for this is still to be determined and it is expected that the research can be applied to other countries of the world.

According to a report published in the journal ‘Ophthalmic Epidemiology’, people living in warm regions in the United States who are 65 years old or older may be more affected. Even elderly people living in 16 degree Celsius areas can be affected by this condition.

Dr. Esme Fuller of the University of Toronto and her colleagues called this issue alarming and called for more research and monitoring. In this way, not only the need may increase in the critical part of the age, but the burden of treatment on such patients themselves increases in the form of serious money.

The study also said that people aged 65 to 79 years living in hot cities and villages are more likely to be affected, while men are more likely to be affected than women. Similarly, black Americans are more likely to be affected than whites.

According to scientists, it is a mystery why this is happening. Now the final reason is being tried to know.

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Living in hot areas can be detrimental to vision

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