War, famine and unrest increase world hunger, research report

According to a new report, more than 250 million people are suffering from hunger and famine worldwide due to increasing malnutrition. Photo: File

Geneva: According to a new report, global hunger has increased due to floods, droughts, famines, climate change, wars and migration. In this way, 25 million people around the world have become victims of severe malnutrition.

Global Food Crisis Report Released on the website of Climate Prediction and Applications Center under IGAD. According to the report, in 2016, 108 million people were undernourished and in 2023, the monster of hunger has taken 258 million people in its clutches. Thus, the rate of acute malnutrition has increased by 140% in a few years.

Eight of the poorest countries in East Africa are at the top, where 57 million people are starving and 22 percent of the world’s population is undernourished. They have seen the worst famine and hunger in the year 2022, including Kenya, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, South and North Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda.

The covid epidemic has also played a major role in this, while many countries depend on pastures, greens and rainfall. Then these countries are also suffering from severe drought.

About Pakistan

According to the report, Pakistan is among the countries where food prices have become so high that they are beyond the reach of common people in March 2023. Apart from Pakistan, they include Somalia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Abyssinia, Namibia and Myanmar etc.

On the other hand, the floods in Pakistan in 2022 have damaged the standing crops and there has been a shortage of many food items.

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War, famine and unrest increase world hunger, research report

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