New type of depression discovered, which affects 27% of people

After the discovery of new types of depression, their treatment will be paved. Photo: File

Stanford: Scientists at Stanford Medicine have discovered an entirely new subtype of depression thanks to surveys, cognitive tests and brain imaging. Experts have named it ‘cognitobiotype’. According to a conservative estimate, around 27% of depression patients suffer from this condition. Another important point is that due to isolation, there are several obstacles to its treatment.

Such patients are unable to plan ahead due to depression, feel impaired in self-control, their behavior changes and they are unable to concentrate on any task. This depression affects both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

In traditional depression, the patient’s mood changes. Doctors prescribe serotonin drugs or SSRIs for this. But in patients with new types of depression, the effect of pras is less. It is expected that after the diagnosis of the disease, these patients can be helped to return to normal by giving appropriate medicine.

The research was published June 15 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a research journal. However, trial and error method has been used to find it. This is the reason why the medicine of every patient cannot be tried on every patient of depression.

The study involved approximately 1,008 patients with severe depression who were unresponsive to medication. They underwent a series of tests, brain MRI scans and daily functioning tests. For several weeks, they were given different drugs, but 27 percent of the patients did not recover at all and the symptoms persisted.

A detailed examination of these patients revealed a new subtype of depression. The discovery is expected to help cure such patients.

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New type of depression discovered, which affects 27% of people

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