E-tattoo to mark cardiovascular problems

Austin: American scientists have developed an electrical belt that can monitor the heart and detect signs of disease such as irregular heartbeats before they do harm.

The ultra-fine strip called ‘e-tattoo’, which looks like a temporary tattoo sticker, is fitted with sensors that continuously measure the heart’s activity.

The strip is used to perform an electrocardiogram (ECG) to see the heart’s rhythm and electrical activity, and a seismocardiogram (SCG) to measure the vibrations caused by the opening and closing of the heart’s valves. Has the ability.

This e-tattoo strip, barely the size of a credit card, is the first mobile device capable of performing two tests, monitoring the heart’s electrical and mechanical function at the same time.

Scientists from the University of Texas at Austin, USA, say that early diagnosis of problems can be the best thing to deal with cardiovascular disease.

E-Tatu can also screen people with heart disease symptoms such as nausea, heartburn and sweating.

Currently, people with suspected heart disease are being examined in hospital or given heavy equipment for use at home. Whereas e-tattoo is less painful and more comfortable to wear.

Data captured by the e-tattoo is sent via Bluetooth to an app that can be viewed by the patient’s medical team.

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E-tattoo to mark cardiovascular problems

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