Fig - Express Urdu

Wow Kent: The botanical name of fig is Ficus Carica.

Historical Background: Fig cultivation has been going on since ancient times. According to a conservative estimate, it originated from Rome and Western Asia. It is a type of small tree that looks like a bush.

These plants are 7 to 10 meters or 23 to 33 feet tall. The bark of the tree is white. It has more than 800 species. However, there are about 20 types of cultivation around the world. Its fruit ripens purple or brown in color with a long skin.

The fruit is sweet and soft inside while the pulp is reddish. The fig tree bears fruit twice a year. Figs are a unique and flavorful fruit. Its size is equal to the thumb of the hand.

There are hundreds of beaches in it. The inner part is mostly pink while the outer part is green or brown in color.

In the Northern Hemisphere, fresh figs are available from late summer to early fall. Figs are moderately frost tolerant.

They also thrive in warm climates. Figs are eaten fresh and dried. It is also processed into jams, rolls, biscuits and other types of sweets. This fruit is mostly commercially available in dried produce and processed forms.

Raw figs contain 80% carbohydrates while ripe figs contain 20% carbohydrates. Dried figs are high in sugar and calories. So it should be eaten in moderation. Fig leaves and fruit are all useful.

Types: There are about 800 types of gospel. However, there are about 20 cultivars. A few are detailed below.

1. Adriatic Fig: This type of fig has light green skin. Its pulp is light pink inside. The skin of the fruit is thin, the pulp is red and the taste is sweet.

2. Celeste Fig: This variety is famous for its unusual sweet taste. It is commonly called sweet fig. It grows even in low temperature.

It can ripen well in temperatures as low as 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Its fruit is of medium size. It is chewed and eaten. Its seeds are also crunchy.

3. Black Mission Fig: This is the most common type of fig. The characteristic of this fruit is that it bears fruit both in summer and winter.

Its trees are widely planted in California. They are about 30 feet tall. These figs are medium to large in size. Their pulp is similar in color to strawberry jam. It has a mild taste.

4. Brown Turkey Fig: Brown Turkey figs are trees 10 to 20 feet tall. It can withstand temperatures down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

The size of this plant is medium. The skin is brown to gray. The pulp is light pink while the flavor is milder than other varieties. It is considered best for salads and cookies.

5. Desert King aka King Fig: This variety is found in the Pacific Northwest region. It needs cool weather to thrive and flower. This variety produces abundant fruit. The skin is green, the pulp is reddish pink while the taste is unusually sweet.

6. Kaduta Fig: This variety is found in Italy. Its trees can grow up to 15 to 25 feet. It bears medium sized fruit. The fruit has a yellow-green shade. The color of the pulp is pink. This fruit usually ripens in autumn.

7. Violet de Bordeaux Fig: This is a type of fig that needs a temperature of 5 degrees Fahrenheit to thrive.

This variety is also known as semi-dwarf fig. This variety grows between ten and twelve feet tall. The skin of the fruit is purple to black and tastes like a plum. This variety is generally considered to be the sweetest.

8. Chicago Go Hardy Fig: This type of fig is considered cold hardy. However, its tree branches die due to extremely low temperatures. This type of plant grows between 10 to 12 feet tall. The fruit on the tree is medium in size. The pulp of the fruit is light pink while the flavor is similar to strawberry.

9. Excel Fig: Like the Desert King, the Excel fig grows in a variety of climates. Excel figs usually grow between 12 and 20 feet. Its fruit is medium in size, green in skin and tastes like honey. This fruit does not burst after ripening, hence this variety is considered the best.

10. Corky’s Honey Delight Fig: The Corky’s Honey Delight fig tree is considered a semi-dwarf type of tree. They grow between 10 and 12 feet. The fruit of this type of fig is medium in size and the skin turns pale yellow. It has amber colored pulp.

Gross yield: According to USDA, the nutritional value of 100 grams of figs is as follows.

Total production: According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAOSTAT), the world production of raw figs is 1.26 million tons. The top fig producing countries include Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Iran, Spain, Syria, USA, Albania, Greece and Brazil.

Country name/million tons: Turkey 320,000, Egypt 201,212, Morocco 144,246, Algeria 116,143, Iran 107,791, Spain 59,900, Syria 46,502, United States 27,084, Albania 21,889, Greece 19,840, Brazil 19,601, total production 1,264,94

Nutrition Facts: Calories 249, Water 30g, Sugars 47.9g, Dietary Fiber 9.8g, Fat 0.93g, Carbohydrates 63.9g, Protein 3.3g

Vitamins / Amount / Daily Requirement: Vitamin A equivalent 0 micrograms 0%, Thiamin B1 0.085 mg 7%, Riboflavin B2 0.082 mg 7%, Niacin B3 0.62 mg 4%, Pantothenic acid B5 0.43 mg 9%, Vitamin B6 0.11 mg 8%, Folate B9 9 micrograms 2%, Vitamin C 1 mg 1%, Vitamin E 0.35 mg 2%, Vitamin K 15.6 micrograms 15%

Minerals / Amount / Daily Need: Calcium 162 mg 16%, Iron 2 mg 15%, Magnesium 68 g 19%, Magnesium 0.51 mg 24%, Phosphorus 67 mg 10%, Potassium 680 mg 14%, Sodium 10 mg gram 1%, zinc 0.55 mg 6%

Defensive compounds: Phenolics, flavonoids, flavonols, ascorbic acid, lignin, xanthones, stilbenes

Medicinal Properties: Medicinally, figs have the following benefits:

1. Improves Digestive System: Figs have been used since ancient times to treat digestive problems or problems like constipation. It contains fiber that promotes digestive health as a prebiotic by relieving constipation. Eating 10 ounces (300 grams) of figs daily for eight weeks significantly reduces constipation.

2. To Control High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol: Figs reduce high blood pressure and elevated blood fat levels. It protects against heart diseases. However, it has the ability to cure high (LDL) bad cholesterol. Such people should consume fourteen dried figs daily in their daily diet. Figs contain pectin, which is a soluble fiber that reduces elevated cholesterol levels.

The fiber present in figs reduces excess cholesterol. Figs contain vitamin B6, which is responsible for the production of serotonin. In addition, figs contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that control high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Figs are a potassium-rich fruit that neutralizes the effects of sodium.

3. Anemia: Lack of iron in the body can lead to anemia. Dried figs contain iron, which is an important component of hemoglobin. Dried figs increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood due to which children and pregnant women are protected from various complications. Figs should be consumed in abundance by people who have undergone surgery as the body is often deficient in iron after surgery, which figs are the best fruit to replenish.

4. To boost immunity: Figs are the best fruit to boost immunity. Its regular consumption eliminates bacteria, viruses and stomach worms. Figs contain nutrients like potassium and manganese which are antioxidants as well as immune boosters.

5. For weight loss: Figs are a fiber-rich fruit that plays an important role in weight control. According to medical experts, eating figs makes you averse to junk and fried things.

6. Protection against heart diseases: Figs control the increased amount of triglycerides in the blood. Triglycerides cause heart diseases. These are the fat particles that collect together in the blood vessel and lead to a heart attack.

7. For Type 1 Diabetes: The chlorogenic acid in figs lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Also, potassium which is abundant in figs keeps the blood sugar level in moderation. In 1998, a study was conducted on 10 people, after which it was concluded that drinking fig leaf tea can reduce the need for insulin.

A reduction of about 12 percent has been observed with leaf tea. Diabetics should not consume dried figs as they increase blood sugar levels.

8. Anti-cancer properties: Fig plants and leaves naturally have properties that reduce the risk of cancer to a great extent. Figs are an antioxidant fruit that helps in controlling the effects of free radicals and chronic inflammation. Fig is a very useful fruit in colon cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and cervical cancer.

9. Bone strength: Figs contain calcium, magnesium and potassium. All of these play an important role in bone health and growth. Figs improve bone density. Their use reduces the risk of bone fractures.

Calcium is essential for healthy bones. The presence of potassium in figs is said to prevent increased excretion of calcium in the urine due to a high-salt diet.

10. Miles/Per Mile Organ: Figs are an excellent fruit for male and female disorders. These minerals are effective for the growth of sex hormones, androgens and estrogen hormones. Figs play an important role in treating various types of sexual dysfunction like infertility and in improving the fertility of the reproductive system. Figs contain amino acids that increase the production of nitric acid, which dilates blood vessels.

11. Prevention of macular degeneration: Figs play an important role in the prevention of macular degeneration. Which is one of the major causes of vision loss in the elderly.

Figs enhance eyesight. Prevents macular degeneration, as they are rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A protects the eyes from free radicals and damage to the retina.

12. For restful sleep: A balanced diet is essential for good sleep. A daily intake of figs improves sleep quality.

It contains amino acids and tryptophan which play an important role in making melatonin. Figs also contain omega-3 and fatty acids that play an important role in promoting better sleep, while magnesium deficiency in the body can lead to stress and irritability.

Precautions: Figs are known for their medicinal benefits. However, it can also be harmful for some people:

* People with sensitive skin or allergic complaints should avoid eating it or applying it on the skin.

Its use should be avoided during surgery.

Figs should be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding with the advice of a physician.

* Do not eat raw figs as they produce latex that can cause allergies around the mouth and lips.

* Fig interacts with diabetes medications. So diabetic patients should avoid using it along with medicines. Sometimes they reduce sugar too much.

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Fig - Express Urdu

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