How to deal with emergencies?

Everyone was happy in the house, the elder daughter was chatting with Baba, Baba was also happy talking to his daughter. Then the father went to the clinic, the daughter dusted the drawing room. Also cleaned other rooms.

Said to Mamma: I am going to take a bath. Fifteen minutes passed, the daughter did not come out of the bathroom. Mom got worried, knocked on the door, got no answer. Younger siblings were also worried. Mother ran out. Looked through the window. Betty lay unconscious in the bathtub, breathing hard. The younger siblings ran outside to call someone for help. The mother saw the world as dark. Baba came, picked up the daughter. He was taken to the hospital with shaking hands. Medical aid was given. Oxygen was administered.

After two hours, I regained consciousness and told that I had just finished taking a bath when the gas in the washroom made it difficult to breathe. Couldn’t speak when trying to speak. Fell standing up. Then nothing was found. A new insta geyser was installed in the washroom which caused gas leakage and suffocation.

At every step, every turn and every moment in life there are chances of accidents. Since nothing can be said about the nature and timing of accidents, immediate correct and complete treatment cannot be guaranteed in case of an accident. However, many precious lives can be saved if simple and simple measures are taken immediately after an accident without panicking.

Accidents like injuries, burns, electrocution, snake or dog bites and suffocation etc. happen in homes. Every man and woman should know about the immediate measures to save the patient’s life in case of these accidents. The same measures have been briefly described in the following lines.

* If breathing is obstructed or suffocated due to gas, try to leave the place immediately. If the patient is unconscious, shift him to hospital immediately.

Do not install the geyser in the bathroom under any circumstances. Whether a small geyser or a large one, always install it outside the bathroom. Check the inlet gas pipe frequently. Gas can also prove fatal if it leaks from a pipe, as happened in the incident described above.

Install a window or exhaust fan in the bathroom.

Before going to sleep, turn off the main gas switch and check all the knobs of the stove.

Do not sleep with the gas heater on in the room. Turn off the main gas supply and sleep.

In case of accident, contact 1122 immediately.

* In case of accident, administer oxygen to the patient and take him to the hospital immediately.


Electrocution is often dangerous.If someone is electrocuted, take the following steps immediately.

First turn off the main power switch.

* To protect yourself, wear rubber shoes or stand on a wooden board, book or newspaper before touching the patient.

* Use clean and dry gloves and remove bare wires with a wooden stick.

After removing the patient, loosen his clothes and let him breathe fresh air.

* In case of unconsciousness, try artificial respiration.

* Arrange to bring the patient to the hospital as soon as possible.

Snake bite

Venomous snake bites can cause death. The following measures taken immediately can save the patient’s life.

Keep the part where the snake has bitten absolutely still. The more the part is moved, the faster the poison will spread in the blood.

Tie a cloth slightly above the cut area.

Immediately make an incision with a clean knife on each mark of the snake’s venomous fangs.

Then suck the poison from the wound for fifteen minutes and spit it out.

* If more than half an hour has passed since the snake bite, do not cut or suck the poison.

* If there are wounds or blisters in the mouth, then do not try to suck the poison.

If the right type of antidote is available at home, inject it.

Arrange to transport the patient to the hospital.

to burn

Burns occur frequently in children because children like to play with sewing or other flammable objects. When a burn accident occurs:

* First, remove the patient from the fire or any object that has caught fire.

Keep the burnt part of the body under running water or immerse it in cold water.

* Remove rings, bangles, patties and shoes etc. from the burnt area.

* Lay the patient down and cover the injured area with a bandage, clean cloth or cotton.

If the patient is conscious, give him juice or milk etc.

First move away from the fire area.

* Try to extinguish the flames with water etc.

* If nothing is found, put a thick cloth, blanket or mat in front of you and wrap it around the affected person so that the fire can be extinguished due to lack of air.

* Never use nylon or flammable cloth.

If someone’s clothes catch fire while he is alone, he should immediately lie down on the ground and eat rolls to extinguish the flames.

* Do not run in open air in case of fire in clothes.

get hurt

Children often get hurt while running or jumping. In case of injury, there may be a bruise. A bone can be sprained or broken. The first and most important thing to do in case of injury is to stop the bleeding.

To stop bleeding

* First comfort the patient and make him sit or lie down comfortably.

* If the wound is large and deep, clean it with running water and temporarily cover it with clean and dry cotton or clean cloth.

Put a bandage on the injured area and press it hard for 5 to 10 minutes. If the injury is more, hold the two sides of the wound and mix gently and tie the bandage on top.

In case of sprain

Sprains can also occur due to injury. In this case, elevate the injured part.

Apply ice to the injured or sprained area.

Tie a clean cloth on the sprained area.

In case of bone fracture

Support the injured part.

* Avoid excessive movement.

If available, give the patient a pain reliever.

Put a bandage on the wound.

Along with all these measures, get the patient to the hospital as soon as possible.

stop breathing

Sometimes a piece of bread or meat etc. while eating at home can get stuck in the throat and cause suffocation. Immediate measures should be taken to deal with this situation.

If the patient is sitting or standing:

* Stand behind the patient and put both your arms around his waist.

Make a fist of one hand and place it on his belly with the thumb side just below the ribs and with the other upper hand, press your fist upwards with a single stroke. This process will force the air out of his lungs, freeing his throat. Repeat this process several times if necessary.

If the patient is already unconscious:

* Lay it straight.

Place the palm of your hand between his navel and ribs. Now give a quick and powerful jerk upwards. Repeat this process several times if necessary. If breathing is still not restored, use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately.

If something gets stuck in the throat alone

Make a fist of your hand and place it between the ribs in an upward jerk. Push the abdomen under the ribs with the back of a chair or the corner of a table—anything that puts pressure on the sternum—which will help the lungs expand and relieve the obstruction.

If a child under one year of age stops breathing

Place the baby on your lap or on a bed. Apply pressure from the bottom of the ribs with the thumb and little fingers of your hands in a single stroke, this will expel the air from the lungs and the obstruction will be removed automatically.


* When a person starts drowning, the same person who can swim well in water should jump into the water to save him.

Drowning can cause respiratory arrest due to water entering the lungs.

First, take the drowning person out of the water and lay him on the ground or a board.

* Remove foam, debris or anything else from the patient’s mouth that is obstructing breathing.

* Try to restore the patient’s breathing as soon as possible.

When the patient starts breathing, lay him on his side.

Keep the patient in the warmest possible environment and take off his wet clothes and dry his body and cover him with a dry cloth.

Arrange for the patient to be transported to the hospital as soon as possible for further treatment.

Synthesis of artificial respiration

If the patient is not breathing, start artificial respiration immediately.

Whatever the cause of respiratory arrest, it can lead to brain damage or death in a few moments, so it is very important to start artificial respiration.

* Lay the patient on his back and turn his face slightly to one side. Raise the patient’s neck with one hand and tilt the patient’s head back by holding the top of the head with the other hand. First take a deep breath. Then place your mouth over the patient’s mouth in such a way that your lips are pressed against his lips in such a way that air cannot escape.

Hold his nose with the other hand. Now start breathing through the patient’s mouth when you take another breath, the air will automatically exhale. Continue mouth breathing until the patient is breathing.

Dog bite

The number of stray dogs in our villages is quite high, so many people who are bitten by dogs are taken to the hospital.

When someone is bitten by a dog:

Clean the wound thoroughly with soap and warm water.

* If the dog is bubonic, then clean the wounds with nitric acid, but for facial wounds, use tincture of iodine.

Administer ATS to the patient.

* Then take the patient to a dog bite treatment center in a hospital for proper and complete treatment.

Insect bites

If someone is bitten by an insect, bee, etc.:

First remove the stinger from the bite site.

Apply ammonia, vinegar, camphor or lemon juice on the wound.

If nothing is found, rub the wound well with iron or salt.

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How to deal with emergencies?

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