Killed 5 neighbors over a trivial matter, where was the accused caught?

In America, the suspect who killed 5 neighbors was caught. Texas police have arrested him from a closet of dirty clothes.

According to foreign media, 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza shot and killed five of his neighbors in the US state of Texas for making noise and escaped, but this escape did not last long and the police caught him four days later. took

According to Texas police officials, the suspect was arrested at his sister’s home in the city of Cut and Shoot. The accused hid under the dirty clothes kept for washing in the closet to escape from the police, while the police had earlier searched the house on a tip-off.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza was arrested in Cut and Shoot, Texas. Task force agents went to the home after receiving a tip on the FBI’s tip line. According to the authorities, a woman who has not been identified has also been detained at the scene.

Killed 5 neighbors over a trivial matter, where was the accused caught?

The San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office says Francisco Oropeza will be returned to their jail and held on a $5 million bond after the operation.

Sonia Argentina Guzman, Daniel Enrique Lasso Guzman, Diana Velazquez Alvarado, Julesa Molina Rivera and Jose Jonathan Casarez were killed in this terrorist incident. Daniel was 9 years old and was a friend of the accused Francisco’s son. The victims are said to be from Honduras.

Survivors of the incident said they called the police several times before the shooting, prompting criticism from local officials about the timing of the initial police response.

According to a source in US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s office, Francisco Oropeza is allegedly an illegal immigrant from Mexico and has been arrested and deported from the US multiple times. Is.

According to sources, Francisco Oropeza, whose full name is reportedly Francisco Oropeza Perez Torres, was first removed by an immigration judge in March 2009 and then re-entered the U.S. However, in September 2009, January 2012 and July In 2016, he was again evicted.

The Honduran government, while expressing deep regret for the loss of precious lives, has called on the relevant authorities to punish the perpetrators of this horrific incident under the law, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already said that the Hondurans who lost their lives in the shooting. The bodies of the citizens will be brought back to the country.


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Killed 5 neighbors over a trivial matter, where was the accused caught?

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