300 suspects involved in drug trafficking on dark web arrested

The Hague, Netherlands: The European Union’s law enforcement agency Europol has arrested around 300 suspects involved in the trade of drugs and other illegal goods on the dark web.

According to international media reports, Europol has launched an operation called Spector, under which it has conducted a successful operation against the suspects involved in drug trafficking on the dark web.

According to the data of those arrested, 153 Americans, 52 Germans, 10 citizens of the Netherlands, 9 Austrians, 5 French citizens, 2 citizens of Switzerland and one each from Poland and Brazil were detained from other countries. I was taken.

All of the accused are accused of using the dark web as an illegal marketplace, known as a monopoly market, where amphetamines and other types of drugs, including cocaine, are bought and sold.

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300 suspects involved in drug trafficking on dark web arrested

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