Autism is a complex mental disorder in children

Nature has given the best structure to the human body, but the disease is the termite, which can lick it and make it hollow, whether the disease is physical or psychological, congenital or after a few years of age, it is in every case a human’s disease. It is very painful.

What has come out more clearly in the light of today’s medical science is that congenital diseases are more complex than diseases acquired with age. At the time of birth of a person, if there is any defect left in him, then it cannot be completely fulfilled by worldly treatment, that is, someone who is deprived of limbs by birth can get an arm or a foot, someone can be given sight. Neither language. Similarly, along with the physical, some people are born with some level of mental deficiency.

And today our topic here is mental rather than physical and that too mental disorders of children. Nowadays, increasing mental and psychological diseases of children is undoubtedly a big concern. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every six children suffers from some form of mental or psychiatric disorder.

According to the World Health Organization, 90% of the population of children suffering from mental disorders live in low- or middle-income countries, and Pakistan is unfortunately one of them. But this rate is not low even in the developed countries of the world. According to the report of an American organization in 2022, the rate of children suffering from mental and psychological disorders in America is close to 22 percent. Thus, in this situation, it is imperative for all parents to be concerned about their children’s mental health, growth and development.

This concern may be due to various factors such as how the child is mentally and emotionally, the child’s behavior, way of thinking and talking, interaction with others? etc. etc., because these are the symptoms, from which the mental and emotional state of a seemingly physically healthy child can be known in terms of health. Children have different types of mental and emotional disorders, but today we are going to talk about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in accordance with the month of April.

The day is celebrated every year on April 2 worldwide to raise awareness of this growing mental illness in order to help children who suffer from it. Although there is no authentic data regarding the rate of children suffering from autism in Pakistan, according to the Pakistan Autism Society, three and a half lakh children in the country are suffering from this disease.

Iism is derived from the Greek word auto, which means selfless, i.e. Iism means self-centeredness, idealism and isolation in one’s own imagination. It is a congenital mental disorder, in which the affected child has difficulties in speaking, remembering words, self-esteem and establishing social contacts. It is a disorder, due to which the mental performance of the child is affected.

When the child is about two years old, parents realize that their child is different from normal children. It is a disorder that is found in every race and class of the world without discrimination. Such children are called autistic, they see, hear and feel the world differently. When the child reaches the age of three, the symptoms of autism start to become evident, some of which are:

Symptoms of Autism

The affected child cannot make eye contact with anyone

* Difficulty in speaking and incoherent conversation

* Unruly movements and impulses

Repeating things unnecessarily

* Lack of interest in toys except rotating toys like spinning car, fan etc

Immersed in my world

Not having the confidence to talk to strangers

Avoid crowded places

Fear and danger and heat are relieved from the feeling of cold

Playing with their hands and fingers

* Nature of carelessness

Crying for no purpose

Be sure to keep in mind that each autistic child’s symptoms may be different. If parents notice such symptoms in their children, then immediately pay attention to the matter.

Causes of Autism

Autism is a disorder of brain development, why does it occur? No specific cause has yet been identified, however, various experts have suggested many causes of autism. Some people believe that it is caused by any kind of drug use during pregnancy.

In some research, vaccines (vaccines) have been blamed for MMR, often trauma or persistent anxiety or depression during the mother’s pregnancy. Thus we can say that there are some genetic, social and psychological factors that increase the chances of this disorder. It is a disorder for which the cure has not been discovered yet.


Although no definitive cure for autism has yet been discovered, timely attention can significantly improve the development of an autistic child. If you think your child is showing signs of autism, seek immediate medical attention as what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Your doctor should decide which treatment is best for you or your child. First in the treatment of the disease is (Applied Behavioral Analysis), which promotes positive behaviors that discourage negative behaviors.

Occupational therapy can help with a person’s skills such as dressing, eating, and relating to people. Sensory integration therapy can help someone who has problems with touch or sight or sound. Speech therapy improves communication skills. It is best to use medication to help with conditions such as autism symptoms such as attention problems, hyperactivity, or anxiety. Be careful about changing your child’s diet, as there is no solid evidence that special foods help children with autism.

Children are the total universe of parents, if they suffer from any kind of complex mental and physical disorders, the life of their parents becomes dark with them, and autism is still a disease that has no cure. But we cannot leave our affected children alone, so we can help them to live their lives better with the help of parents, psychologists and teachers.

First of all, parents should be fully aware of this disease so that they can understand what their child’s needs and characteristics are. Because it is a disorder that affects children’s ability to learn and understand. Therefore, the process of teaching these children is slightly different and difficult.

A parent’s warm and loving attitude helps teach them skills for daily tasks (bathing, cleaning, dressing, eating, drinking, etc.). Special schools are also established for the education of such children, which give their physical, mental, hearing and speech training program keeping in mind their special needs. Autism is a complex mental disorder, but it can be largely overcome by a good therapist with unwavering parental commitment.

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Autism is a complex mental disorder in children

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