A link between French fries and depression revealed

Indiscriminate consumption of french fries can increase depression and anxiety. Photo: File

Beijing: Chinese experts have warned that indiscriminately eating French fries can lead to depression, anxiety and other disorders.

In this context, Zhejiang University researcher Dr. Yu Zheng and his colleagues have examined 140,728 people for more than eleven years. In the first two years, 8294 people were exposed who were suffering from depression. These patients were counted separately, while the study found that those who ate fried foods showed signs of depression. Thus the total number of patients seen reached 12,735. Among those who ate French fries, the rate was noted to be two percent higher.

Dr. Yu Zheng says that his research shows that people who eat french fries and fried foods may have a 12 percent increase in anxiety and a 7 percent increase in depression compared to people who don’t eat these foods. But Dr. Yu insists that there is no need to worry too much, but this risk can be avoided by adopting lifestyle and good dietary habits.

The reason for this has been that processed foods should be avoided completely and experts have included french fries as processed foods.

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A link between French fries and depression revealed

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