A woman in China died after falling from a height while performing stunts

The late Bazigar’s family members will be compensated by the circus company, officials (Photo: Social Media)

Suzhou: A female circus performer has died after falling from a height while performing in a circus in Suzhou, China.

According to reports published in the international media, the woman named Sun was performing stunts in a rural area of ​​Suzhou city with her husband.

During the stunt, a crane was lifting both husband and wife in the air from one place to another. Meanwhile, Sun was hanging from behind her husband with her arms around his neck.

While swinging in mid-air, when Sun tried to change her position to perform the stunt, she lost her grip on her husband’s head and she tumbled down to the stage below, where no safety arrangements had been made for her.

According to a statement issued by the district government, Sun was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to her injuries.

In the footage of the tragic incident, a crane can be seen lifting the two performers into the air, while Sun loses her balance and comes crashing down on stage with a loud bang. Seeing him fall, the screams of the helpless audience are raised.

The footage shows her husband trying to save Sun with his feet, but she fell down in tears.

The video of the tragic incident has caught the attention of Chinese social media users who are questioning why she was not wearing a safety belt and the circus company provided her with safety nets and crash mats as safety measures. Why was it not organized?

In a statement issued by the district government, it is said that this circus show in the village was organized by the Anhui Yashi Performing Arts Media Company, but the company did not take permission from the relevant authorities for this, nor did the performers perform. No safety measures were taken during

The statement said that a reconciliation has been reached between the company and the family of the late Bazigar and the company will pay compensation to them.

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A woman in China died after falling from a height while performing stunts

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