Are chores a substitute for regular exercise?

Apart from being ignorant of the importance of their mental and psychological health, women are also prone to being careless about ‘body integrity’, while women who are not only the backbone of a family and home, for them. It is important that they take special care of their physical health and fitness along with their mental and psychological health.

Being physically fit is very important not only for professional life, but also for enjoying everyday life and its pleasures. Women who are busy from morning to night can ensure their health and fitness by making a routine of few minutes of regular exercise a day.

There is a common perception in our society that exercise is limited and necessary only to men’s bodybuilding process, while the reality is somewhat different.

Exercise is just as important and useful for women as it is for men. It is not necessary that like men, women also resort to different machines or a regular gym to exercise. To keep themselves fit, women can keep their body and mind fit and energetic by doing some light exercise a day.

One of the biggest benefits for women to keep themselves physically fit and ‘active’ is to change the perception that women who exercise regularly are physically weak.

Because through different types of exercise, they make themselves strong enough to face any kind of situation mentally and physically.

It should be remembered that some such ‘exercises’ have also been introduced for women, whose purpose is to protect themselves in a difficult situation, so that, God willing, they are not only mentally but also physically fit to deal with such a problem. They should also be ready and able to defend themselves without anyone’s help.

Regular physical activity is very important for good mental and physical health of women, as it not only ensures overall health and fitness, but also helps us maintain our weight balance, reduce the risk of various diseases and maintain good health. It helps in promoting mental health.

According to a study, at least 30 minutes of daily exercise is essential for good mental and physical health, but among the obstacles women face in making ‘gym’ or ‘exercise’ a regular routine, are household responsibilities. Besides streaks and lack of time, there are other factors like trend and inspiration.

Many women are busy with child rearing, household responsibilities and work etc., and do not find time for themselves. But to keep yourself fit, it is important to try to exercise whenever you get the chance.

Three 10-minute ‘periods’ of exercise a day will have the same health benefits as 30-minute continuous ‘periods’. Also, doing activities with your kids like going shopping or playing in the park with your kids is a great way to stay active and fit.

Similarly, many women are busy with various household responsibilities and do not find time to go to the gym or fitness, for this they can take help from family or friends. During fitness time, your children can be left at the home of a trusted close relative or friend.

Women may not be able to make exercise a part of their daily life because they are tired after professional affairs or the day’s household responsibilities, but regular exercise gives women the energy to better cope with the demands of daily life. Is.

If women tend to exercise for long periods of time, a few minutes of consistent exercise every day can help relieve fatigue in the first few weeks.

Women also have difficulty exercising regularly due to other health problems. For this reason, it is important that women after consultation with their doctor choose such exercise, which will help to reduce or eliminate their disease, as a regular morning walk can prevent many diseases.

A trend related to exercise is that it requires going to an expensive ‘gym’, when the best form of exercise is brisk walking. Regular walks are great for keeping women mentally and physically fit.

There is also a perception that if women want to lose weight or get physically fit, they should just be busy all day doing household chores like sweeping, washing clothes, etc. Self-exercise will happen, which is quite an illusion.

Because exercise is such a regular process, in which a person gets rid of all the worries and problems of the world and concentrates only on his physical health. At the time of exercise, if women stop worrying about the problems and tasks of the day and focus only on ‘exercise’, then it is beneficial for the mental health as well as the physical health.

Therefore, in order to incorporate exercise into daily life, it is important to first identify the problems that are causing barriers to exercise and then think about possible solutions. Whether it’s lack of time or realizing that other tasks are more important, it’s just as important for women to exercise.

Also choose activities that you enjoy and physically ‘calm’, along with the routine of daily life. Also write in your diary and set achievable goals, don’t allow yourself to fall into an ‘all or nothing’ mentality.

Even if you can only find time for one or two exercise ‘periods’ per week at the moment, that’s a huge achievement for you, as a short period of exercise will certainly help some and a period of no exercise at all. Significantly better than no exercise.

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Are chores a substitute for regular exercise?

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