Plan to delete RSS criminal history from education curriculum exposed

New Delhi: Plans to delete the criminal history of the RSS from school curricula in India are moving fast, a plan has emerged.

According to details, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s nefarious plan to change the criminal history of RSS in the country has been exposed. Even the Indian media could not remain silent when this criminal plan of RSS was exposed.

The National Council for Education Research and Training is trying to hide the past of BJP and RSS.

A new controversy has erupted in the state of Karnataka, ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, after the state government tried to amend school textbooks. Critics say that the government is actually trying to promote Hindu nationalism through these changes.

Plan to delete RSS criminal history from education curriculum exposed

According to reports, an order has been issued to delete negative passages related to the Hindu extremist organization RSS from Indian school textbooks.

Apart from this, by issuing an order to delete the association of Mahatma Gandhi’s killer with the RSS organization, Mahatma Gandhi’s statements promoting Hindu-Muslim unity and brotherhood have also been banned.

The decision to ban the RSS and the Gujarat riots of 2002 were also removed from textbooks.

It should be remembered that earlier the passages on the history of the subcontinent, especially the Mughal period, have been deleted from the textbooks.

On the other hand, historians in India have criticized the decision of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to delete certain chapters from the textbooks, saying that this decision is the first in the subcontinent. It is against the constitution and culture of India and should be withdrawn.


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Plan to delete RSS criminal history from education curriculum exposed

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