Scientists have provided more evidence of the harmful effects of soft drinks

Soft drinks and canned juices can cause 10 life-threatening diseases by increasing 45 negative physical conditions. Photo: File

Beijing: Although a lot of research has been done on the consumption and medical harm of sugary drinks and soft drinks. However, experts have presented new evidence in this regard and said that 45 harmful changes can occur in the body due to excessive and continuous use of sugar in soft drinks.

These beverages include soda soft drinks and canned fruit juices that can increase medical complications. The results of this research have been presented by American and Chinese experts after a long research.

Scientists have carefully reviewed 8,601 research papers and reports and said that 45 types of complications can occur due to sugar in drinks, especially sugar. Even one glass of soft drink a week can be harmful.

First of all, soft drinks increase weight. Second, it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 17 percent, and the risk of premature death by nearly 4 percent. Then ten conditions increase, including obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer, etc. But other life-threatening conditions include asthma, tooth decay, depression.

The meta-study was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). If 25 grams of fructose in fruit juice is consumed daily, it can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 22%.

Therefore, experts have warned that they should completely avoid soft drinks, smoothies and canned juices.

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Scientists have provided more evidence of the harmful effects of soft drinks

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