Also difference between city and village stars

If you live in a city and have ever had the chance to visit a village, you must have felt the change in the atmosphere of the village and got a chance to see the clear skies there. The stars that appear dim in the city will appear brighter there, but the starry sky will also show a cloud extending from north to south, which does not exist in the Earth’s atmosphere and is not like normal clouds. So the question arises, where did this cloud come from and what is it made of? In the old times, when our ancestors started observing the sky, they presented many theories about this heavenly cloud and some people even confused this cloud with ghosts, which spread fear among people, but 17 In the 10th century, when the progress in the field of science started, scientists started researching it.

Newton and other scientists of his time taught the world how to measure the distance from the stars using the light from them, and scientists who came after them measured the distance of many stars from the earth in the same way, which allowed them to It turns out that the cloud and the countless stars in it that we see are from our own galaxy, and the cloud moving north and south is the center of our own galaxy, just like the sun and the rest of the planets in the solar system. Similarly, the Sun, which is itself a star, also revolves around the center of our Milky Way galaxy. can Since we are only a short distance from the sun, we can see these clouds at night.

The smoke in this cloud is actually the same substance that formed our sun 5 billion years ago and is still forming many stars in the universe, and the planets around them. It is called dust. There are many places in the world that are miles away from the city and there the sky is as clear as glass. The Atacama desert, located in the South American country of Chile, is one of the places where the stars are so bright that their dim light illuminates the earth.

In this desert, along with the galactic cloud, there is also a faint line running from east to west in the sky. This light is not present in the earth’s atmosphere but comes from outside, this light is at the “ecliptic” point in the sky. It should be noted that in astronomical terms, the ecliptic is the imaginary path in the sky on which the sun, moon and other planets of the solar system appear to move. In dark areas, this linear light appears in the east before sunrise and west after sunset. In astronomical terms, this light is called “zodical light”, but how are these zodiacal lights produced? As often in documentaries, the early solar system was shown to contain many rocky materials, many of which fell to Earth, but now the question arises, are those rocks still there? So the answer is yes, these rocks are still present in our solar system and surprisingly, the zodiac lights are also a result of them.

The sun is the only source of light in the solar system, and this light is reflected by the planets including the moon, asteroids and the rocky materials scattered between them all, since these rocky materials are also in the same plane, in which the planets exist, so the Earth We also see the zodiacal lights at the ecliptic. During the day, all the lights are dim in front of the sun, but they all start to shine as they go below the horizon. The zodiacal lights are usually across the sky along the ecliptic They move together, but before sunrise and sunset, they become brighter, because there are these substances between the earth and the sun, so they are the ones that get the most sunlight that reflects them. And appear brighter.

Most people mistake the zodiacal lights for morning twilight, although this is not the case. The level may be lower, but these lights are impossible to distinguish in the civilian population.

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Also difference between city and village stars

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