US congressman read speech written by AI software

A US Congressman has read a speech prepared by computer software for the first time. Photo: File

Washington: In an interesting incident, the US congressman delivered a software-generated speech at a congressional session that has drawn mixed reactions from the public.

U.S. Congressman and Democratic Representative Jack Akonclose on Wednesday read a short speech in the House of Congress created by the online chatbot and software ‘ChatGPT’, which is believed to have been made by a non-human member of Congress. is also the first expression written by

Jack said he asked JetGPT to “write a 100-word speech to be presented on the floor of the House of Representatives on the legislation.” However, Jack has also made some changes in this speech.

It should be noted that this speech was delivered on the occasion of a bill under the legislation. The purpose of this resolution is to build a joint artificial intelligence center between the US and Israel. The project will be named the America Israel AI Center. The two countries will conduct joint research in artificial intelligence under this centre.

Jack, 34, said he is the youngest member of the House and that artificial intelligence is now changing every aspect of life. That is why I have read the AI ​​speech on this occasion.

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US congressman read speech written by AI software

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