Flour prices in India have blown the mind

After Pakistan, the prices of flour in the neighboring country India also started to be out of reach of the people.

In India, the world’s most populous country, the price of flour increased by 40% in one year.
In the month of January alone, the price of flour has increased twice, which has left the people thirsty for food.

According to government data, loose flour is being sold at Rs 38 per kg, while a kg of packet flour is being sold at Rs 45 to 55.

The ever-increasing prices of flour have become a major challenge for the government and the rising prices of flour in the upcoming elections in many states have put the government in dire straits.

India is the second largest wheat producing country in the world where the central government has stepped in to control the uncontrollable prices of flour. The central government will sell 30 million tonnes of wheat in the open market from February 1.


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Flour prices in India have blown the mind

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