Kitchen spices that can relieve internal irritation

Fenugreek seeds, cardamom, turmeric and cinnamon are no match for reducing inflammation. Photo: File

London: If inflammation continues, it can lead to many diseases. All over the world, the most expensive medicine is used to remove it. But there are treasures in your pantry that regular use can reduce inflation.

Physical irritation indicates that there is something wrong in the body and the immune cells are engaged in some work. Thus, chronic inflammation can lead to heart disease, organ failure and even cancer. Doctors also call it the internal alarm of the body in danger.

Here are some common kitchen items that can reduce inflammation.


Turmeric has emerged as an amazing superfood as its amazing medical benefits have come to light in the last decade that even scientists are amazed by.

The magical effect of turmeric is due to its main compound, curcumin, which is extracted from turmeric and sold in capsule form. However, due to its powerful antioxidants, it protects the heart, prevents cancer and improves blood pressure.

Above all, turmeric is effective in reducing internal inflammation.


Cinnamon is a magical substance that has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of diabetes. It controls blood pressure and increases blood flow. Drinking cinnamon tea mixed with lemon water is very effective in internal inflammation.

Fenugreek seeds

Research conducted on fenugreek seeds has shown it to be very effective in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. For this, put one spoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and drink it at night. Internal irritation can be reduced by drinking this water in the morning.

The important chemical components and flavonols present in fenugreek seeds have healing properties and thus prevent many diseases.

Green cardamom

Cardamom has long been an excellent remedy for indigestion. It contains several important compounds that reduce internal body inflammation. Cardamom also has an extraordinary ability to eliminate oral bacteria.

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Kitchen spices that can relieve internal irritation

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