New stomach cancer therapy eradicates cancer in mice

Scientists have successfully demonstrated a combination of nanoparticles and antibodies to eradicate gastric cancer in mice. Photo: File

New York: Although cancer is not incurable, it is definitely a global headache in the list of diseases. Now, experts have tested a new method of treatment on mice and demonstrated the effectiveness of eradicating gastric cancer in them.

According to a report in a recent publication in the journal Advanced Therapeutics, Dr. Michelle Bradbury of Esterznica Company, Cornell University and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and others tested this targeted cancer therapy in mice.

It used antibody fragments combined with nanoparticles that had been shaped by molecular engineering. Cornell University named it Prime Dots. These nanoparticles can penetrate into cancerous tumors due to being very fine. Although they were developed 15 years ago, they are now used in combination with antibodies.

AstraZeneca has modified fragments of antibodies so that they can bind to the C-dot and target the hART protein. It should be noted that HE Arto protein causes stomach cancer. However, Esternica has added its own medicine to it.

When it was tested on mice, all the mice were free of stomach cancer and after 200 days there was no suspicion of cancer.

According to experts, in the past several clinical trials were first conducted on mice and then on humans and it is hoped that some progress will be made in human trials soon.

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New stomach cancer therapy eradicates cancer in mice

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