The first diagram of the bee brain was drawn

(Photo: University of Cambridge)

Cambridge: According to a new study by researchers Bee The first sketch of the mind has been made.

This diagram, created by researchers at the University of Cambridge and Johns Hopkins University, clearly shows each neuron in a fly’s brain and shows how they are connected to each other.

Scientists say this breakthrough in neuroscience will bring experts closer to a true understanding of the brain’s activity systems.

This diagram of the 3,016 neurons that make up the fly’s brain and the detailed circuitry of the neural pathways within it is called a connectome. According to the researchers, it is the largest and most complete connectome ever depicted.

The nervous system of any organ, including the brain, is made up of neurons that are connected to each other by synapses (the junctions that connect neurons).

Information travels from one neuron to another in the form of chemicals across these synapses.

University of Cambridge researcher Professor Zlatic said that the way the brain is structured affects the performance of the brain. Until now, only the brain structure of the roundworm, low chordate juvenile and marine annelid larva had been observed. All these brains consisted of hundreds of neurons.

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The first diagram of the bee brain was drawn

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