Postcolonialism and the Class System

The case of a provincial minister’s private prisons in Balochistan came to light when the bodies of a woman and two children were recovered from a well in Barkhan on February 20.

At the same time, the news circulated that these bodies belong to a woman named Gran Naz and her two sons, who a few weeks ago had picked up the Quran and appealed to the government and institutions that her children should be imprisoned by Provincial Minister Abdul Rahman Khetran. To be freed from

However, according to Levies sources, the kidnapped Gran Naz, his sons and a daughter have been rescued from a private prison.

On the other hand, the father of the kidnapped children, Khan Muhammad Marri, says that the bodies of the two children recovered from the well are those of his two sons, while the identity of the deceased woman has not yet been ascertained.

To investigate this incident, a joint investigation team has been formed under the leadership of Commandant Balochistan Constabulary Salman Chaudhry, which includes DIG Quetta, DIG Special Branch and SSP Investigation Quetta.

The cases of private prisons and forced labor are not new in Pakistan. According to a recent BBC newspaper report, from 2020 to January 2023, more than five thousand farmers were released from forced labor in Sindh province alone. According to the report, these prisoners were bound with iron chains and made to work in the fields.

There are four such Hari camps in Kotri, Hyderabad and Umarkot where farmers released from private prisons live. It can be estimated how widespread the issue of private prisons and forced imprisonment and labor is despite the presence of law, institutions, democracy.

Even in the 21st century, in a country called democratic and Islamic, the emergence of cases of private prisons and forced imprisonment is a question mark on the system, which the public has a good understanding of, that this system is a system of human rights and freedom. Knowledge is the bearer, even though the people of vision and thought had closed the veil of this system long ago. As Iqbal said

That is the democratic system of the West

In whose veils there is no unrepentant Caesar

Giant tyranny is found in the democratic dome

You think this is freedom Neelam Pari

The capitalist system apparently claims democracy, human rights, expression, freedom, but inside it is the same class system in which the law is something else for the people while the law is something else for the elite. Apparently, as much as this system is beautiful and deceptive, its interior is as dark and full of evil and evil.

To understand the reality of this system we have to go back to the colonial era. Colonialism literally means establishing a new settlement. The European imperialist forces established new settlements in America, Australia, New Zealand, etc. and massacred the local populations there and took those countries as their own by erasing their history and identity. Indeed, it can be called colonialism.

But many other regions, including India, where Western colonialism apparently could not permanently occupy, and there are no future majority populations of whites, but Western imperialism used the word colonialism for that too. But why? It is a deep secret. But stay. We tell you.

The world powers used capitalism as a means to achieve world domination. Apparently, there were lofty pretenses of civilization and development, but in reality, it was intended to overwhelm the world economically, politically and socially. The East India Company also came first in commercial form and later evolved into the British Empire.

As soon as the company arrived, where it made trade agreements, it started preparing a batch of thugs, neo-warriors, patriots and traitors to loot the raw materials, who avoided theft, robbery, murder and robbery to supply the raw materials to the company. were not doing it, but the company was giving them regular weapons, training, security and important information for this work.

These thieves, robbers, thugs and peddlers used to steal gold, silver, diamonds, jewels, goods and wealth from the country from villages, cities, caravans and kingdoms to the company for a few tikkas. The army was paving the way for gathering.

Then, using the same army of traitors, the company started occupying Indian territories and for further occupations, the army of traitors was informed and informed. What did

In particular, the greater the traitor, bandit, traitor and informer, the greater the title and the greater the estates and privileges. Thus, treason and treason not only became a profitable profession for thieves, neosoldiers, thugs, patriots, traitors, but also became the guarantor of their “golden” future.

Even in the war of 1857, with the help of the army of these traitors, it was possible to win the war and enslave the country and the people.

Shortly after this, the lands, their employment, their trade, their agriculture, their history and identity of the patriots who fought for freedom were captured by people who were trained spies of the East India Company. , were agents, thugs, thieves, fraudsters, traitors and traitors.

Security institutions were established to protect these usurpers, thieves, traitors and traitors, including a police force whose main function was to protect British loyalists and suppress resistance by patriotic rebels.

Similarly, the judicial system established by the British had a separate law for the loyalists of the British and a separate law for their opponents. Even if the loyalists of the British did not commit the biggest crime, they were not caught in the first place. If they were arrested due to public pressure or detention, they were not kept in jails with ordinary prisoners, but in a lavish manner according to their position and status. I was kept.

Exactly the same law is in force in our jails till today that “A Class” has higher facilities, “B Class” has less facilities while common man has floor, mat and dal roti etc. Laws, institutions, courts and the entire system provided facilities to the elites of colonialism during the colonial period, so even today this system is a paradise for the elite class while it is worse than hell for the common man.

In fact, this is post-colonialism and it has the same goals and objectives as the goals of the world colonial powers during the colonial period. The only difference is that there the colonial forces enslave the people directly, whereas in post-colonialism the people are kept enslaved through a few hundred seals of colonialism.

As in the colonial era, in the post-colonial era, the world powers ensure the protection of their interests through their trained classes, in return, the capitalist system provides constitutional and legal protection to these classes. Now let it be called our fault, ignorance, ignorance or hypocrisy that we allowed the system to remain the same as imperialism and labeled it “Islamic”.

On the buildings of our courts, government houses and most institutions, the word Tayyaba la ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is written in large letters, but inside the decisions are made under the double system and law created by the colonial powers.

The Constitution of Pakistan is also said to have read the word in the same way because according to Article No. 1, the name of Pakistan is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Clause 2-A says that the Supreme Sovereignty in the Kingdom of God-Dad Pakistan belongs to Allah Ta’ala alone, but in reality the sovereignty here belongs to a few vadirs, gadi-neshins, capitalists and a few families raised by the British.

According to Article No. 227 of the Constitution, there cannot be any legislation that contradicts or contradicts Islam, but within the same Parliament, laws promoting indecency, obscenity and homosexuality are also passed. The constitution says that the government will be obliged to abolish usury as soon as possible, but for seventy-five years usury has been the backbone of the economy.

While taking an oath and testifying, an oath is taken on the Qur’an, but money is also taken for perjury and votes in support of un-Islamic laws.

Article 11 of the Constitution of Pakistan prohibits slavery and forced labor, but on the other hand, hundreds of private prisons in Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab and the stories of oppression and oppression born in them are embellished by the media and until today, there is no way to stop this forced slavery. No formal action was taken for this, and even though the crime of forced imprisonment and hard labor was proved, no wadere, pir, Gadinishin, landlord was punished till date.

The question arises whether there has ever been such a double law and system in any Islamic state that there is something outwardly and something inwardly, the pretense is something else and the act is something else, the law is something else for the poor and something else for the rich. Be something else.

Where the freedom of the common man is made worse than the prison and the elite have every facility of freedom and luxury in the prisons. Just think that by putting the title of “Islamic” on this duplicitous and class system of the colonial era, and by writing Kalma Tayyaba in big letters on the buildings of parliament and courts, will this class and exploitative system become Islamic or just? ? no way! Rather, if we really want to establish a just system, there is only one solution that was established under the colonial objectives of the imperialist powers.

The entire edifice of this class, exploitative and double system should be demolished and replaced by a human welfare system based on the basic principles of justice, equality and brotherhood.

Only then will the paths of true freedom, equality and justice be opened, otherwise, like in the colonial period, the society will continue to create heaven for one class and hell for the other, and on the other hand, under the post-colonialism, the western agenda and the world powers will continue to do so. Dominance will continue to consolidate.

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