Ghani Khan - Express Urdu

It is said that the most suitable person to enjoy life is the one who has the warmth of passion, who is fearless and who is not afraid of anything. Compassion and courage are involved.

If the above-mentioned “most suitable person” includes many other qualities apart from these three qualities, then this person is not just an ordinary “most suitable” person, but he is called a genius, a thinker, a scholar and a philosopher. And can give location.

Internationally renowned Pashto poet, writer, intellectual, painter, sculptor, philosopher and politician Ghani Khan is a personality and a person who possessed countless qualities and enjoyed life the way he did. Those who know him, live near him and read him are very well aware of this.

Ghani Khan is known, written and called by the majority of Pakhtuns as “Leone Philosopher” (Crazy Philosopher), Poet of Color and Light and Poet of Light and Shadow. Ghani Khan was the owner of many qualities at the same time and he has shown every quality in his poetry and also in painting and sculpture.

Khan Abdul Ghani Khan was the eldest son of Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan, the founder of Khudai Khitmatgar Tehreek, who was born in 1915 in Atmanzai Charsadda. and also admitted his two sons Ghani Khan and Khan Abdul Wali Khan in the same school. The school also had a hostel for which Ghani Khan used to pay a monthly fee of three rupees and in this fee all his expenses were covered.

As they only got a cup of tea in the morning, Ghani Khan used to hide a few pieces of bread while having dinner and eat it with tea in the morning. At that time, there were no chairs or benches in his school and the students used to study sitting on mats. In the evening, when he would lift the mats, he would find many scorpions under them.

There was no toilet in their school and the students used to go to the fields to defecate. Ghani Khan and Khan Abdul Wali Khan, the sons of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the country’s famous reformer, social and political personality, received their early education in such an environment and school. In connection with receiving education, Ghani Khan had also lived for several years in “Burla House” with Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.

And he was greatly influenced by Gandhiji’s great organization and his character and morals. At that time, Ghani Khan was working as an engineer in a sugar mill and got married there to a girl named Roshan, the daughter of a great Nawab of Hyderabad Deccan, from whom Ghani Khan had only one son, Faridun, who died a few years after the marriage. Later, he died accidentally at the hands of one of his farmers in his youth. Apart from horse riding, Ghani Khan was also very fond of hunting. After his marriage, one day when he brought deer home after hunting, his wife Roshan Begum told him that a sensitive and literary man like you should shoot these innocent animals. Hits from?

After hearing this from Begum’s tongue, Ghani Khan stopped hunting from that day and never called Shikar again until his death. One day he met the daughter of Admiral Saladis who was called by the name of Ghani Khan Mirabai and she also lived with Gandhiji in “Burla House”. She asked Ghani Khan that today you will clean the toilet and if you refuse, then you will have to leave this place, to which Ghani Khan replied that I am the son of a Pakhtun and the descendant of a scavenger. Don’t you want me to clean the toilet? When Ghani Khan’s refusal was complained to Gandhiji, he told Ghani Khan that there is no problem, I will clean the toilets in your place.

As this common toilet was cleaned by everyone in turn, Gandhiji also cleaned it on his turn for a week continuously. Ghani Khan was 22 years old while Indira Gandhi was fourteen years old at that time and both were studying at Tagore University. And the tutor of both was a woman named Nain Lal. Ghani Khan had also studied at an arts school in India. Initially, he used to make pictures of frogs, bees and dogs. Apart from this, he also took journalism classes in the English department there.

A statue made by his hand is also kept in the Shanti Temple in India. He started poetry at the age of fifteen. Ghani Khan also lived in America in 1930/1932. Apart from this, he had also seen London, France, China, Germany, Japan and Italy. But in one of his poems, he says, “The beauty of the world and the beauty of my own land and its gray face is a hatch in front of Pakhtun.” He had spent years in jails in Haripur, Multan, Lahore, Dera Ismail Khan, Hyderabad and Peshawar with hard labor and solitary confinement.

In the famous weekly of the Khudai Khitmatgar Tehreek, Pakhtoon, a strong Fikahiya column against the British and their incompetent priests and mullahs was published under the title of “Gade Vade” under the name of “Leone Philosopher” (Crazy Philosopher). Also wrote. It can be said without a doubt that Ghani Khan is the only poet in the Pashto language after Khushal Khan Khattak, who, with great audacity, wisdom and courage, spoke about man, the world, religions, God, Sheikh, Mulla, Waiz, Not only did he raise new questions about heaven, hell and death and life, but using his knowledge and skills, he also presented many of his objections in the form of questions in poetic language.

He has put a different path, a unique color, a different style and a different tradition in Pashto poetry. As a working and experienced engineer, he has seen the structure, color, light, shape and construction of every particle of life and the universe with the eyes of an engineer, and by thinking with the mind of a thinker, poet, and philosopher, he has expressed it in words and Presented in the language of colors. He has given his poetry a simple poetic language and style rather than difficult philosophy.

Ghani Khan, using his thinking mind, poetic temperament and courage, has given his nation the courage and language to follow the path of new rational and scientific questions about life and the universe, and has created a curiosity and curiosity among his readers. The decision has been made. What is life? What is the real purpose of creation of the universe? Who has created this world? What is death? And where does the human soul fly after death? What is Kaaba? What is the real reality of prayer and prostration? What is the difference between lust and love?

Such and many new questions keep sitting in the mind of the reader in Ghani Khan’s poetry. The names of his poetry collections like “Ploshe”, “Fanoos”, “Dapanjre Chaghar” later the government of Afghanistan published all three collections under the name of “Daghni Kalyat”. I have included his unpublished words and published them under the title “Daghni Latoon” (The Search for the Rich) by the University Book Agency Peshawar.

Apart from this, Ghani Khan has also written a book on the history of Pakhtuns in English language called “The Pathan” and he has been awarded by the Government of Pakistan with the Imtiaz Medal and the Academic Literature of Pakistan, as well as by many literary and social organizations at the national level. And awarded with honors.

Ghani Khan deeply studied the philosophy of all religions and the history of different nations, examined it, but after all these studies and observations, he was forced to say, “I touched many feet, fakirs, many religions. I studied carefully but nowhere I found a single drop of light. There is only one story after another, which has no beginning and no end. In his opinion, this is a silence that continues from eternity to eternity, as he says in one of his poems:

“When love overcomes silence

So it becomes a song

When the song becomes rebellious or rebellious

So it takes the form of noise

When the thought becomes faith in itself

So they become words

When the words dance together, they become instruments

And when the instrument is lost in beautiful and delicate dreams, it turns into silence

Therefore, silence is eternal and silence is eternal.

In another of his poems, addressing Mulla, he says:

“Come, waiter, come

Far Hit Far Hit Mula!

I hate your stupid words

I’m a little kid

That I leave my paradise for fear of your hell!

Give me a good loving home

And instead of it, take a rough and rough land!

Another poem containing a dialogue between the Mulla and the Madman (Ghani Khan) says:

Madman: What is Mecca?

Mulla: This is a lover’s house

Families are numerous and all refer to the Creator

Crazy: What is faith?

Mulla: This is a long-awaited dream and a dream about the loss of a loved one

Crazy: What is Hoor?

Milla: It is a white butterfly, a streak of twilight and a whirlwind of laughter

Crazy: What is addiction?

Milla: It is to go for a walk, to come and go to the colorful palace of Masti

Crazy: What is Namaz?

Milla: To kiss the soil, to go to the alley of the beloved and to turn hope into desire

Crazy: What is prostration?

Mala: To soil oneself, to place a garland of mast flowers at the beloved’s feet

Crazy: What is Wasal?

Mulla: To drown in beauty. It is dancing on the stars and spreading in the moon.”

Despite his old age, Ghani Khan created as many works of poetry, paintings, paintings and sculptures as he could until his death, i.e. on March 15, 1996.

Among them, one thing has given primary importance and that is beauty and love. According to Ghani Khan, the whole story of human life has started with love so that better people can come into existence. Love, which Ghani Khan calls the eternal reality and describes Hassan as the shadow of this reality.

In his opinion, there is a fall for beauty, but love is an eternal reality, besides, all the political, social and cultural colors of the surrounding environment are present in his poetry. Especially freedom, nationalism, philanthropy and patriotism are the spirit of his poetry.

Ghani Khan is a poet of the future more than the present of the Pashto language, and no intelligent nation can be ignorant of its future, then Ghani Khan is not just a pile of dust, as he himself says in one of his poems, “O Mulla! Do you listen or not? Death is also chanting that Ghani Khan is not just a pile of dust, then how will he become dust?

Ghani Khan’s prediction that came true

If we look at the entry of the Soviet Union army into Afghanistan in 1979, 34 years after this quote from Ghani Khan’s speech in the Central Legislative Assembly of United India in 1945, Ghani Khan’s political insight and foresight can be easily assessed. can put

Ghani Khan said in his speech, “When a man lives in a place where there are thieves and robbers around, then the important part of the house is not the drawing room, but strong and high walls are needed for the four walls of the house.” Is.

We live in a world that is full of injustice, greed and lust and thirst for the blood of human beings. This world is the world of looters, hypocrites and envious people. In this world, not the capital of a country but its borders are more important.

If we look at the borders of our home and country, to the north of which is an old wounded and ruined country, we sympathize with China, and I think that under these circumstances they are not capable of leaping over our walls. He cannot enter our house by knocking or knocking, nor can he attack us.

We do not see anything from the Qibla to draw our eyes towards it. There lives an uncontrollably brave and fanatical nation that can cause great suffering. Afghanistan borders with Russia.

Russia today is a powerful and prosperous country and it is expansionist, wants to expand, but in the process it will eventually tear itself apart.

If he calls his expansionism his protectionism, I object to Stalin’s method of protectionism because if today he believes that Azerbaijan and the Danyal Pass are important for the defense of his country, then What is the guarantee that tomorrow he will say that Lahore and Bengal are also necessary for their protection?

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Ghani Khan - Express Urdu

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