India has become a very dangerous country for foreign tourists

Mumbai: A woman tourist left India after an incident of misbehaving and harassing a foreign tourist during the Holi festival in the so-called secular country of India.

A video made on the occasion of Holi festival in India is going viral on social media, which has once again shown India as a dangerous country for tourists.

In the viral video, it was seen that a female tourist from Japan was forcibly grabbed and painted by a crowd of boys, while a boy also threw eggs on the female tourist’s head and harassed her.

After the video of the incident came to the fore, the Delhi Police took action and arrested 3 people who misbehaved with the young tourist woman, but the police say that the woman did not file any complaint and she left India yesterday. Has left for Bangladesh.

In another video, it was seen that the boys also grabbed another tourist woman and kept applying color by force, while her obscene husband kept forbidding the boys to apply color, but the boys did not stop.

The female tourist said in her vlog that despite her forbidding and warning, the boys continued to touch her in an indecent manner and harassed her on the pretext of protecting her.

Not only this, but in the streets of India, extremist citizens threw colors, threw eggs and harassed Muslim women passing by wearing hijab, the video of which is circulating on social media.

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India has become a very dangerous country for foreign tourists

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