Bill Gates became a grandfather;  Birth of a baby girl to an elder daughter

Bill Gates’ eldest daughter married a Muslim youth in 2021; Photo: File

Washington: Jennifer Gates, the eldest daughter of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who married a young Muslim Egyptian, has given birth to a daughter.

According to the world news agency, Jennifer, the eldest daughter of the world’s richest man and the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, and her Muslim husband, Nayel Nasr, have confirmed the arrival of a little angel in the family on social media.

The couple, who got married in October 2021, also shared a picture of the newborn on social media, in which the couple is holding the little fairy’s feet in their hands, but the girl’s name has not been named yet.

On announcing the birth of a daughter on Instagram, congratulations poured in. The family also wrote congratulatory messages and the users also offered prayers expressing their happiness.

Keep in mind that Bill Gates and Melinda Gates got divorced in 2021. Both got married 27 years ago. A few days after the divorce of the parents, daughter Jennifer and Nayal Nasr got married.

Bill Gates and Melinda attended their daughter’s wedding, but the two have never been seen together since.

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Bill Gates became a grandfather; Birth of a baby girl to an elder daughter

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