Significant success in treating chronic back pain with just one injection

Injections of soft bone cells between human vertebrae have successfully treated chronic back pain. Photo: File

Oklahoma: Lower back pain can be very painful as well as disrupt the routine of life. Now, an injection made of special cells has achieved extraordinary success in curing this condition.

Dr. Douglas Bell, MD, a clinical radiologist at the University of Oklahoma, said, “Lum disc degeneration is a process called degeneration of the disc and can be treated with some medications and more physiotherapy, but this is often temporary and very inadequate.” Is.’

This disease is called ‘DDD’ or Degenerative Disc Disease which is caused by the degeneration of the soft foamy discs between the seals. Over time, it rubs off and the pain increases. To treat this, Dr. Douglas has created a special injection of cells from the same disc, one injection of which can reduce pain for a long time and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Experts enrolled a total of 46 people with severe and chronic low back pain in the study and administered a single injection and followed them for a total of 36 months. The injection was based on ‘disc allograft supplement cells’ and almost all participants reported that their pain was significantly reduced and they were able to work. Almost all patients, aged 19 to 73 years, admitted that they were receiving physiotherapy, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroid injections. The last and most painful treatment is surgery, which has a very low success rate.

60% of patients said their disease severity was reduced by 50%, which is a significant achievement. According to experts, it has taken them several years to develop this injection and now it will be tested on more patients.

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Significant success in treating chronic back pain with just one injection

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