Six minutes of intense exercise increases the growth of protein useful for the brain

Just six minutes of intense exercise can multiply the production of the most useful protein for the brain. Photo: File

Auckland: A research survey has shown that high-intensity exercise can produce brain-friendly proteins that are very beneficial for the entire brain.

This protein is called ‘brain driven neurotrophic factor (BDNF)’ which increases brain volume, strengthens memory and improves signaling between cells. This protein increases nerve cells (neurons) and also makes new connections in the brain.

If you do just six minutes of high-intensity exercise every day, not only will BDNF be built up. Rather, this protein is preserved in the brain. Previously, it was increased in rats and some animals by drugs and diet, but these drugs did not work in humans. After that, experts began to consider exercise.

Now, Professor Travis Gibbons of the University of Otago in New Zealand and his colleagues took 12 active people aged 18 to 56 and gave them three tasks to see what processes produce BDNF. One group was fasted for 20 hours, the other cycled for an hour and a half and six minutes of intense cycling (exercise-like).

It was found that people who did six minutes of exercise and vigorous cycling increased the production of BDNF in their brains. Even some volunteers’ blood levels increased by four to five times, while fasting did not make any difference, and cycling for an hour and a half caused a slight increase.

It has been shown that even six minutes of moderate-intensity exercise is extremely beneficial for the brain and should be made into a routine. These exercises include cycling, swimming, jogging, and hiking uphill.

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Six minutes of intense exercise increases the growth of protein useful for the brain

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