Beware!  Blood pressure is the silent killer

The growth, health and beauty of the human body depends on the blood. The main source of blood growth is the food we eat.

The more good and nutritious our food is, the more powerful and energetic we will be. On the contrary, if our food is substandard and unbalanced, the functioning of our body will be poor, dirty and irregular. Foods cause the growth of dirty and irregular blood and make us suffer from many blood related diseases.

One of the diseases caused by circulatory system disorders is blood pressure disease. Blood pressure is one of the most dangerous diseases of the present age, medical experts have called it a silent killer of life because it is diagnosed much later and by then it has managed to take root.

According to a recent medical research, every third person is suffering from blood pressure disease. It is a different thing that most of us remain unaware of this disease for a certain period of time. Although high blood pressure itself is a dangerous and deadly disease, but Other diseases associated with it are even more dangerous and disturbing.

These include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney failure, stroke and brain hemorrhage, etc., which are often caused by high blood pressure. Cholesterol is the biggest factor in causing high blood pressure.

Cholesterol is a fatty, soft and malleable substance. A certain amount of it is considered essential for human health, while an unnecessary excess of it builds up along the walls of the blood vessels (arteries), causing them to narrow and harden.

Cholesterol is commonly found in abundance in the foods we eat: milk, butter, ghee, cheese, eggs, meat, liver, nuts, nuts, and fried foods. There are two major types of cholesterol.

One of them is useful while the other is harmful. Cholesterol essential for the chemical synthesis and health of human blood is called high-density lipoprotein HDL. It is produced in the liver and small intestine and matures in the liquid state of blood. Is.

It plays an important role in the blood system and takes cholesterol from different sources and sends it back to the liver. Thus, the excess amount of cholesterol is added to the bile and excreted through the faeces.

Adequate amounts of HDL are harmful cholesterol. Therefore, we can become the recipients of numerous benefits by taking a little precaution. By eating a balanced and proper diet, at proper intervals, we can enjoy a better and healthier life. The blood pressure of the human body varies at different times. Is.

In general, 80 mg to 120 mg is considered normal in young people, while 90 mg to 140 mg is considered appropriate in older people. There are two.

Among them, the upper one is called systole in medical terms and the lower one is called diastole. A very important explanation is that low blood pressure can sometimes lead to death. When blood pressure If it falls below the required level, its supply to the brain begins to decrease.

Decreased blood supply to the brain leads to a disruption in the amount of oxygen it needs. Remember, if the brain is deprived of oxygen for a few seconds, fainting occurs, and if this deprivation turns into minutes, the brain becomes dead.

Since the mind controls the functions of the entire human body, the entire body dies. So this aspect of blood pressure should also be taken into consideration to avoid any untoward situation.

Home Remedies to Prevent Blood Pressure

According to a group of medical experts, blood pressure is an incurable disease, while nutritionists (naturopaths) do not accept this, but according to them, all types of diseases can be controlled and cured by dietary choices and diet. Naturopathy (ancient medicine) has a cure for all types of blood pressure.

Those who disagree with my view should use the following medicinal mixture according to the directions given and they will be convinced of the healing power of plants. Take Asrol (Chandan Khurd) 10 grams, Chub Chini 10 grams, White Sandalwood 5 grams, Chalk 5 grams, Gond Kekar ​​3 grams, grind all the medicines finely and grind them in apple water and make tablets equal to black pepper and keep in the shade. Dry it.

Take 2-2 tablets morning and evening with fresh apple juice. By the grace of God, ten to fifteen days of use will get rid of all blood pressure disorders. Apart from this, there are medical medicines in the market to get relief from blood pressure.

Dietary treatment of blood pressure

People suffering from high blood pressure can avoid many complications by making appropriate changes in their diet. Garlic, ginger and black pepper are natural sources of blood thinners and normal cholesterol levels. 100 grams of garlic, 100 grams of ginger, 100 grams of mint, 100 grams of pomegranate seeds, 10 grams of green chili and 10 grams of black pepper mixed together to make a chutney and using two spoons in every meal also helps to balance the cholesterol level. They can be easily consumed with different foods, vegetables and juices.

Adequate consumption of jujube, elva (ghekwar), sandalwood, falsa, coriander, raisins, indrain and asbhool for a certain period of time also gets rid of circulatory system disorders. Among the vegetables, cabbage, carrot, radish, turnip, ghee pumpkin, zucchini, spinach, plantain, bitter gourd, salad leaves, fish, dal mung, gram, mushroom (mushrooms) can be used without fear.

Keep in mind that garlic, white cumin and tomato should be added a little more while making these vegetables. In fruits, the use of pomegranate, guava, apple, orange, musmi, malta, kino, grapefruit, papaya, pear, melon, watermelon, falsa, etc. is very useful. While sleeping at night, chew two grains of marba herd well. A glass of clear milk from above also relieves many ailments. Oatmeal, barley bread, buckwheat flour bread, gram flour bread are also useful in medical terms.

Precautionary measures to protect against blood pressure Large meat, liver, nuts, kidney beans, eggs, nuts and animal fats should be avoided as much as possible. Stay away from fried items like parathas, samosas, fritters, chips, namko, potato and minced naan and bakery products as much as possible.

Mustard or sesame oil is used instead of banaspati. Abstaining from tea, coffee, cola drinks and smoking and alcohol consumption is considered to be the reason for a healthy life. Chocolate, jam, ketchup and chutneys etc. also do not give any benefits except the taste, so they should also be avoided. The minimum consumption of sugar, salt and fats not only protects against blood pressure but also from many other physical disorders.

Exercise has a fundamental place in human health and fitness. As much as possible, physical exercise should be done because the circulatory system in the human body begins to perform in a better condition through exercise. Make walking an integral part of your routine.

A morning walk saves us from countless physical problems. Going to sleep immediately after eating at night also leads to numerous diseases. Mental stress and nervous tension should also be avoided. Do not give place to arrogance, pride, envy, lust, greed, selfishness, revenge and cruelty in your heart. Especially jealousy and revenge make a person mentally forgiving, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

By developing good morals, humility, selflessness, humility, kindness, forgiveness, patience and sacrifice, we can get rid of all ugly and harmful diseases. There is a lot of satisfaction. In fact, this satisfaction is the main cause of mental comfort and comfort is the main secret of health. Wise people say that health is the greatest and most valuable wealth in the world.

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Beware! Blood pressure is the silent killer

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