How can we stay safe from liver diseases?

The patient entered the room in a weak state. The walking was slow, the face was pale, the eyes were yellow. On asking, he said that this condition has been there for many days. No hunger at all. Vomiting often occurs and does not like to eat anything. This happens in jaundice or hepatitis.

In “jaundice” or hepatitis, the skin, whites of the eyes and various membranes in the body become yellow. A glance at the patient gives the impression of extreme pallor. The main reason for this is the excess of Bilirubin, a chemical substance in the blood. Jaundice is also called jaundice for this reason.

The different types of jaundice are A, B, C, D and E. This disease is caused by different types of virus which are named as virus D, C, B, A and E. Diseases caused by the B and C types of the virus are more dangerous and common. Viruses A, D and E are not very dangerous. The patient recovers spontaneously within a few days.

Causes and prevalence

Ignorance of hygiene rules, poor water and sewage management, non-availability of clean drinking water, lack of proper tests for blood transfusions cause and spread liver disease. The germs of the disease can be excreted through the patient’s waste and mixed with water and spread the disease to healthy people.

Hepatitis B is transmitted from a person’s blood to healthy people. If the blood of a person infected with the virus is transfused to a healthy person, there is a chance of contracting the disease.

The virus of the disease can also be introduced into the blood by transfusion of infected person’s blood or by any means by which a small or very small amount of blood is administered by medical instruments, such as scissors, syringes, etc. The disease can also spread through the bodily fluids of the patient. Apart from this, the disease can also be spread by using the items used by the patient. The hepatitis B virus can also be transmitted from one partner to another through intimate relationships and sexual intercourse.


Symptoms of all types of hepatitis or jaundice are almost the same. Initially there is a mild fever, altered taste in the mouth, loss of appetite and mild abdominal pain. After three or four days, the intensity of the fever increases. The color of the eyes starts to turn yellow. Urine becomes dark yellow and yellowish.

Hunger completely disappears. Frequent nausea and vomiting. Both the liver and spleen are enlarged, and in some patients the glands of the throat are also enlarged. After a few days, these symptoms begin to disappear, but the jaundice persists for a week to ten days. During this time the patient feels very weak. For this reason, the patient is advised to rest as much as possible.


If any of the above symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. The diagnosis of the disease is done by conducting a blood test which checks the liver function and the amount of bilirubin etc. in the blood.

Treatment and precautions

Jaundice is a contagious and dangerous disease caused by a virus. The most important thing in its treatment is to take complete preventive measures so that on the one hand the disease does not take a more dangerous situation, on the other hand it does not reach healthy people. Keep in mind the following important points in treating jaundice.

-1 rest, -2 diet, -3 use of medicines

-1 Rest

Rest is very important in hepatitis or jaundice. The patient should be kept in an open ventilated room. Maximum rest should be given. If the health permits, one can walk a little more, but by walking too much, the patient can get tired very quickly, which can put more burden on the diseased liver.

-2 diet

In jaundice, the patient has less appetite. During this time, he does not like to eat heavy and heavy food anyway. Protein diet should be avoided in case of jaundice. The patient should eat boiled vegetables without ghee as too much ghee can be dangerous. In this condition, use more drinks such as fresh juice, raw lassi, Glucose D, etc. Boil the vegetables. Eat plenty of green leafy and fresh vegetables and fruits.

– 3 Use of drugs

The use of medicines in jaundice should be avoided to a reasonable extent. Different drugs reach the liver from the stomach and the liver makes them usable. So keep in mind that taking medicine for jaundice will put an unnecessary burden on the liver because it is already injured (diseased). If necessary, take medicine as per doctor’s advice.


Hepatitis B can be cured with a course of vaccination. People who work in a hospital, laboratory, blood bank, etc., must get this vaccine.

2. When someone has jaundice, keep him in a separate room. Healthy people should not use its ingredients. All fluids of the patient, including urine, stool, saliva, etc., should be disposed of properly. Wash hands thoroughly with soap before and after touching items used by the patient and avoid handling them.

– 3 Jaundice patient should avoid intimate relationships like physical contact.

-4 If someone in the household gets sick, all healthy people should get hepatitis vaccine if possible, which can prevent the disease.

5. House and surrounding cleaning conditions and sewage management should be improved.

– 6 In case of disease outbreak, use boiled water.

7. If ever a patient is to be transfused with blood, make sure that the blood has been tested for the presence of hepatitis B or other germs.

– 8. Keep the food items covered. Visit barbershops as little as possible because cuts from barbers’ razors, scissors, etc., can spread germs from a sick person to a healthy person.

Hepatitis C Disease Treatment and Precautions

It goes without saying that hepatitis C is a dangerous disease, but there is absolutely no need to worry if you get sick with it. Millions of people in Pakistan are affected by this disease.

More than 90 percent of these people lead normal lives because the hepatitis C virus does not cause many problems in most people. Therefore, it is important to first of all keep in mind that the disease has to be faced and fight it with courage. It has often been seen that people fall into the hands of so-called hakims and doctors as soon as they have the virus of the disease, who scare them well at first and then do new dramas in the name of treatment.

Someone gives sufof and some fake type of vaccines and Akirazam. Whatever it is, they cause the “sick liver” to become even more sick, and thus the disease takes hold of the person with all its ravages, and many sins are added to the patient’s sufferings.

Therefore, it is important to avoid all these tricks. Consult a qualified doctor and don’t fall into the hands of wrong people. The following guidelines are given to guide all Hepatitis C patients to lead a normal life.

Trust in Allah. Do not worry or panic in case of illness. Just think of it as a common disease.

Be determined to fight the disease and not cut back on your lifestyle.

Get hepatitis C test ie PCR genotyping and liver tests, ultrasound etc. from an accredited lab.

Remember that Hepatitis C is not a contagious disease. Therefore, there is no harm in getting along, eating together and living together.

The main source of hepatitis C spread is blood transfusion. Can also be spread by infected syringes. Therefore, the injection should always be done with a new syringe. Apart from this, you should keep your shaving equipment, toothbrush, paste, etc. away from the infected person because even a healthy person can get the virus from any kind of scratch or wound.

The patient should have liver function tests (especially ALT) done monthly.

Injections of interferon have a more than 70% chance of curing the disease. These vaccines have few side effects. There is no need to worry, but in the selection of vaccines, it is important to use low-cost local vaccines. Nowadays, there are many brands and vaccines and capsules are available at a monthly cost of Rs. 4-5 thousand.

Apart from this, the following home remedies are also effective in controlling hepatitis C disease and improving liver function.

Consume fresh radish leaves or its juice daily.

Consume multhi and fennel regularly in the morning breakfast.

It can also be used by making a solution of horseradish, multhi, fennel, cinnamon and glucose. The solution was used in several patients at the Yemeni Medical Welfare Center. This not only improved their liver function but also cured hepatitis C in some.

We have been using Hepacol Syrup, Tablets and Papaya Syrup for Hepatitis C and B in our Welfare Hospital for many years. Alhamdulillah, hundreds of patients have been cured. Hepakol improves not only the functions of the liver. Immunity develops in the body. The virus is weakened and is no longer able to cause further damage. With regular consumption of papaya syrup, the number of platelets in the blood, which is reduced in hepatitis C, becomes normal.

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