If you want to keep your mind energized, lift some weights

By lifting weights and exercising even in your 50s and 60s, the brain remains strong and healthy in your 70s. Photo: File

Pennsylvania: If you are going through any stage of age then the habit of lifting weights can make you mentally strong. In this way mental and nervous disorders can also be avoided.

Although the mental benefits of physical activity and exercise have been proven. Because exercise can keep the brain healthy by warding off diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. According to a report published a few days ago in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Professor James Denon has done this research.

In summary, physical activity at any time in life is good for the brain, and similarly, exercise done at an early age or in youth can keep the brain active for a long time.

For this a survey was conducted and 1500 people were evaluated for about 30 years. Their cognitive, intellectual and cognitive abilities were evaluated from adolescence to an average age of 69 years. These included brain processing speed, vocabulary memory and other tests.

The most important finding was that people in their 50s and 60s who picked up the habit of lifting light weights, walked or jogged, were still mentally active at age 70. Even a once-a-month physical activity showed amazing benefits. Even the benefits of weightlifting and lifting weights were evident.

Three important things have emerged from this: firstly, the mental benefits of exercise can be seen even at the age of 50 and 60, secondly, even if this exercise is done once a month or once a week, it is still beneficial, and thirdly, the benefits of exercise. The benefits persist even years later.

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If you want to keep your mind energized, lift some weights

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