Pegmatite is an important source of rare stones and rare elementsPegmatite is an important source of rare stones and rare elements

After centuries and even thousands of years of continuous struggle in searching for and then acquiring rare stones or precious gems, the discovery of mankind today seems to stand at a stage where the hidden facts of the creation of some rare stones have been revealed.

From this point of view, the thick-grained igneous rock “Pegmatite” formed by underground fire is very interesting from the point of view of geological demonstration and has a great priority in terms of mining throughout the world, because since ancient times it has been Rare stones (naginas) have been derived. But finding these rocks during a field survey is a very painstaking and patient task, because these types of rocks are not formed directly as solid bodies, but as frozen igneous bodies such as batholiths. After the batholith solidifies and freezes, it occurs through the injection of residual dissolved gases into its inner body.

Which is called the penetration of gases (Pneumatolytic) method. Here, Pneuma is the Greek word, which means gas. As for the formation of “pegmatite” and the precious stones it contains, it is ultimately the deepest part of the earth (the surface of the earth). (several kilometers below) are deposited in a rough solid state or in a “pool-like” frozen igneous body.

Which is effected through residual solution, because this residual solution is the molten state of the “granite” rock and from this solution the “pegmatite” is created, due to which it is also “granitic”. ‘ is of nature. (based on composition) i.e. quartz, felspar and mica must be present in this type of magma which is collectively called “felsic”. As the temperature decreases, all these minerals (90 percent) become solidified at their desired temperature.

These are non-volatile compounds, but on the other hand, volatile components such as water, steam, fluorine, chlorine and phosphorus are also present in the center of the solid body, which reduce the viscosity of the liquid. Which increases the mobility of the ions in the solution. All these components are bound in the liquid state in the same way that even though the earth came into a solid state after its creation, its core is still in a liquid to semi-liquid state, the main reason being attributed to the high pressure. .

Due to the increase in underground energy, the water dissolves in the magma and to some extent it is under pressure, just as carbon dioxide gas is trapped in a cold drink bottle due to internal pressure, but as soon as the cap of the bottle is opened, the internal pressure decreases and gas escapes in the form of bubbles.

Similarly, due to the continuous increase in underground pressure, magma erupts from a weak zone in the form of lava to the surface, during which there is also interaction between the lava and the pre-formed igneous body, which causes There is also a difference in the fiery body that is created, due to which two aspects cannot be neglected.

The first aspect comes from the fact that the basic rock-forming compounds present in the magma have already frozen and formed deep into the “batholith” to form the “granite” rock, while the second phase Residual solutions in the center of the igneous body that contain volatile material.

In the final stage of differentiation, the magma is “injected” to form thick and fine-grained rock called “pegmatite”. For this reason, it does not contain any sequential mineral layers, but layers like horizontal zonal distribution are found. For example, in the “pegmatite” in the northern regions of Pakistan and especially in the “Murzinka” region of Russia, its outer zone consists of granite rock, which is mostly light-colored. From whom (Packed) are present.

Towards the center it appears to be replaced by penumbrae in a second interbedded “graphic granite” zone with coarse-grained quartz, while voids are found towards the central zone. , in which pens decorated with precious and precious stones are seen, among which Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz and Ruby are of special importance. Among these stones, the history of “Emerald” is very ancient, because man has been using this gem in jewelry for thousands of years. This stone is your example in its brilliance. If it was completely pure, it would be dark green in color after field survey.

If it is seen in a cap of “ultraviolet” rays, its color does not matter, but if simulated, it will appear red. Its composition includes chromium, magnesium, aluminum and beryllium. It has a branch called “beryl” which geologists are particularly interested in finding during field surveys, because it contains beryllium metal, which is the lightest and most stable metal in the world. When this metal is mixed with “radium”, it produces neutrons and electrons, which are the key ingredients in making an atomic bomb.

It does not melt at 2050 degrees Fahrenheit and remains solid for millions of years, while sapphire is also a blue gemstone that is available in many colors. Except for red. Among them, the most valuable sapphire is the one with a deep and brilliant blue color. The presence of titanium and small amounts of iron makes it a beautiful blue gem, with a light emanating from within, giving the impression that a light is emanating from within. This type of sapphire is called “star sapphire”.

“Topaz” and “ruby” are also associated in the pegmatite body. Topaz is considered as a good gemstone which is available in white and many colors while ruby ​​is found in red color. These two stones are considered to be very rare and precious stones even today. Apart from this, large deposits of mica (muscoite) are also being obtained during the mining of pegmatite often in these areas.

These types of pens are called books because their cleavage is like a paper because muscovite is an excellent insulator. For this reason, it is used in some electrical appliances, such as toasters and irons, to separate the uninsulator wires from each other. The filipsar in it is being used in art.

Research and analysis have revealed the fact that “pegmatite” is the only resource in the world, from which rare elements in the universe are being mined. These non-mineral elements are not absorbed with the minerals that are present in the original rock-forming igneous block. Because of this, they are concentrated in the pegmatite through the residual solution.

Where they become part of an uncommon mineral. For example: Ore containing the element “Lithium” is obtained by mining pegmatite. Lithium is part of the sheet structure, through which a pink or violet type of mica called “lepidolite” is produced.

Uranium, a radioactive element, is a component of residual magma, which is also derived from pegmatite. Research and analysis have clarified the fact that in certain conditions underground, such a magmatic solution is born, in which there are neither rock-forming minerals nor volatile objects, but these different metallic components are produced, which are hydrothermal solutions. Solution) is called.

It is closely related to pegmatite, as the solution passes through the cracks and voids of the neighboring rock to concentrate the soluble mineral quartz in veins (veins), as it is soluble in hot water, but as this surface As it travels towards the earth, it undergoes sedimentation. Sometimes these quartz veins contain precious metal deposits. Examples include gold, silver, zinc and copper, which occur at around 300-500 degrees Celsius. But the fact is that many countries of South East Asia seem to be unable to obtain this valuable asset from pegmatite due to backwardness in science and technology.

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