If the evolution of living things on the planet is carefully examined, the story of their evolutionary journey is very unique and interesting. Each group has some evolutionary compatibility with some other group. However, the evolutionary journey of insects also reveals a number of complexities and interesting facts that make it a very ancient group. However, due to lack of studies, people are still unfamiliar with understanding this evolutionary process. According to the ancient evolution report, the oldest living thing on earth was identified about 700 million years ago and the oldest living thing on our planet has features similar to jellyfish.
A more detailed report revealed that this insect is similar to a silverfish and its remains date back to about 385 million years ago, in what is known as the “Pennsylvania” in history. goes According to the phylogenetic data, the first group of insects appeared in the Devonian period about 497 million years ago, suggesting that these remains are even older than dinosaurs and other organisms. In fact, evolution is a set of complex processes, through which populations of organisms change over time. she does.
Along with further progress in the evolutionary process, in 1900, scientists recorded a fossil of it for the first time on land, which is considered to be the oldest fossil record ever discovered. In fact, this is the main reason for finding less fossil records of insects, their preservation is not possible due to their soft and delicate size. Later they fail to make the fossil record. However, remains of some insects have been discovered in Ansbar. Amber is actually a substance that comes out of the tree, it sticks like glue and when the insect spreads into it, when the amber dries, it is preserved in it and then it can be an excellent fossil record for many centuries. .
If history is studied, the evolutionary record of insects spans about 400 million years, dating back to the Devonian, when the Pterygota (winged insects) underwent a massive radiation during the Robinogenization and some of them survived extinction. It flourished again in the Triassic period and is known today as Insecta. So it would be fair to say that most of the insects appeared in the Jurassic, with the most prominent success occurring in the group graticates, and graticates still exist today in significant numbers.
The evolution of insects is actually the result of many kinds of environmental changes, especially their increase in breeding and then their extinction due to climate changes, the evolution of insects is closely related to the evolution of flowering plants. makes, as insects usually use up to 20 percent of the same flowering plants for their food. Thus, these were mutualistic symbioses, both plants and insects have also been seen to adopt many changes together in the evolutionary process.
In this way, many types of insects have been playing a major role in affecting the Samalia group in eradicating their population. Among them are mosquitoes and flies, which are considered vectors of certain types of pathogens, which is the reason why they lead to the eradication or extinction of the rare mammalian skunk. Historians speculate that this is Fabosperm malaria or the deadliest type of malaria in humans and this deadly type led to the destruction of Rome in 79AD, in which not only human lives were lost but agriculture was also badly affected and this history It is considered the worst tragedy of
Thus, in Africa, sleeping sickness is also known as trichino somias (sleeping sickness), which is caused by the bite of a special parasitic fly called Tse tse. Its symptoms include fatigue, high fever, headache and muscle pain, and if not treated promptly, the patient may die and several deaths have been reported. However, after molecular experiments in the modern world, it has been found that Hyxautons diverged slightly from their group shrimps during the Silurian period. This analysis dates their close association to 440 million years ago.
The Devonian is considered a warm period, about 419 years ago, when the presence of vascular plants evolved around the world. Perhaps its lack of glaciers was the reason why the detailed insect fossil record of this period did not lead to certain information. Insects that became part of the fossil record during this period. Among them, re-analysis of Rahneognathurbarmti and Strudella divinca is insufficient to highlight and understand their full association.
However, based on phylogenetic studies, insects identified in the Silurian period as Tanazios ducers that had lost their second antennae were likely the first insects in the Devincens, given the appearance of a large number of winged insects in Ribonfernus. came out The Carboniferous, which covers the historical period from about (359-299) is known for its warm climate. There is also evidence of mosses, ferns, horsetails and calamycetes.Due to the cooling and drying of the climate during the Carboniferous period, the rain forests of CRL disappeared during this period.
Heavy rains destroyed the forests and caused major changes in the insect life. It is said that where there is evidence of insect remains in the fossil record, insect remains are also widespread in coal deposits, especially the Prostem dixisotran (Blattobeda) etc. Thus, the earliest insects that had wings are known as Pterygota. Among them are mainly Blatobeda, Coloniodia Ephemeroptera, Orthoptera and Palaeodictypteroidea.
Thus the concept of Juvenile insects is also found in the Carlyoniferous period. Burman (299-252) referred to a short time period. During this time the land masses were gathered into a single continent. Like called Pangaea. This Pangea actually surrounds the equator when it moved towards the different poles due to the impact of Centhalasta, which was between the objects and Gondola. This expansion pushed the Sumerian continent away from Gondwana to the north, causing the Heustathys to shrink and unfortunately causing the extinction of about 30 percent of rare insect species, the worst insect extinction period in recorded history. is imagined.
However, modern molecular analysis has greatly improved our understanding of insect evolution, and evolutionary analysis of a variety of complex and extinct insect samples suggests that if the beetle’s DNA The first evidence of its presence dates back to 299 million years ago. Mazun Creek study shows that its earliest researcher evidence was found in objects and Europe, thus many fossil records of this species are found in Obuda, Czech Republic. Podal hills were found in Public and Shikarda, as well as in Russia.

This analysis also determines the geographic range of this species. However, further progress was made by North American scientists in the Wellinguts Formation of Okarahoma and results were published in the period 2008-2005, the most important fossil record deposits in this period being associated with the Elmokansas (260ya). While others include fossil records from New South Wales, Australia (240 Mya) and Central Eurasia (250 Mya), which establish the geographic range of this species as well as its relationship with other species.
However, the oldest insect that most closely resembles the Audercubitra species, its historical evolutionary history is thought to be 270 million years old in the Lower Prehens. However, it has recorded antenna number of 13. While in the ancient species, its number was 11.
This species has a fuller and more irregular longitudinal lobes with the eltar extending beyond it, whereas in the older species it has 11 antenna segments with regular longitudinal lobes on the elaster and its spread is slightly narrower. Which indicates significant changes in these two batteries. The purpose of this is that in the process of evolution, many changes have occurred in the external characteristics of the organism, which is evidence that the organism tries to adapt itself according to the environment.
Thus, the family of Raphiodoptera has also faced many controversial factors in evolution. If this group had a long ovipositor with a regular training and a regular series of crossveins, however, it was not present in this order in the other close group. Is.

A species of Dibetra recorded a wingspan of about 10 mm, which was longer than the original species, which was 2 to 6 mm in the original species. This rare species was found in Mount Crossy, Australia. If the specimens are sequenced correctly, it is said that there was a substantial increase in Coleoptera species during the Jurassic, and that this dramatic increase in numbers is due to the fact that the insects became both carnivorous and herbivorous.
The species of the superfamily Chrysomelidae evolved at the same time in which the abundance of host plants along with positive environmental changes led to the proliferation of these species. which improved their growth. The diversity of Capedidae and Archostemata has decreased significantly during the Cretaceous.
Especially the Predatory land shell and different species of Rove beetles suffered decline, the main reason of which may be the increase in temperature and these species started migrating to other areas, due to which their population also decreased a lot. Thus many species of Cleridae and Cucuyoidae preyed on jewel beetles in the bark of trees.During the Cretaceous, the population and diversity of jewel beetles increased rapidly, as they were generally dependent on the wood that was available to them. In comparison, Spramastera longhorn beetles were rare and only diversified until the end of the Upper Cretaceous.
It is believed that the first coposphagous beetles were recorded from the Upper Cretaceous, living on the excrement of herbivorous dinosaurs. However, the mystery remains unsolved as to why beetles are always associated with the mammalian group for new growth. Also, examination reveals that both lauda and adults were initially adapted to aquatic life. Whirligig beetles and Gryinidae were moderately diverse, although the latter species were the most numerous. With significant numbers was the genus Coptoclavidae which usually preys on water flies and is abundant in numbers.
A review of the evolutionary process reveals that several species of beetles have existed in every era of antiquity. However, their geographic range and abundance have varied over time with adaptation. Their species and abundance varied across regions. .
Problems arising from the multi-part model assumptions human biases and our incomplete compartmentalization of evolutionary mechanisms also pose challenges. Advances in technology to overcome these obstacles continue to require more extensive data collection followed by empirical methods and assumptions to increase the accuracy of phylogenetic reconstruction. Thus, lack of access to phylogeny techniques in underdeveloped countries, lack of timely facilities for software and DNA sequencing and lack of basic needs and equipment is one of the most important challenges of the time. This limits their conservation for biodiversity.
Those who are unable to work on endangered species and their conservation in a timely manner and due to the unavailability of phylogenetic lids are facing obstacles in conducting their research and making the results public in a timely manner. To fill this gap, international Cooperation and technology transfer and investment in scientific infrastructure are needed, to collaboratively empower these regions with the tools and knowledge necessary for effective phylogenetic research and its application.
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