Racial discrimination is becoming more common in US medical institutions, reports

Florida: A recently released report found that racial discrimination is perpetuated in healthcare institutions in the United States.

According to American media, medical facilities across the United States have been exposed to racially biased medical care, even in the most progressive states.

The report, published by the Commonwealth Fund, gave US states a score of 0 to 100 based on their access to health care services and outcomes for various population groups.

The results found that the state of California received a score of 45 for providing healthcare to the Hispanic population, better than Florida’s health care system, which scored 37. Florida also fared worse than California in treating white patients, where whites were treated 87 percent better than other races.

The authors said the report provides a comprehensive analysis of the health system performance in each US state. It examines disparities in overall health and health care among ethnic groups, both within and between states.

Researchers conducted 25 measures to measure access, quality, services, and health outcomes of health care for different ethnic groups in states, and found that disparities persisted even in states with high levels of health care systems. Known for performance.

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Racial discrimination is becoming more common in US medical institutions, reports

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