1 in 5 people suffer from fatty liver disease, research

Bristol: A new study has revealed that one in five adults suffer from fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver is mainly caused by alcohol and obesity and it usually affects people aged 40 to 60. However, a recent study of 40,000 24-year-olds found that 1 in 5 suffer from this disease.

British researchers used data from the ‘Children from the 90s’ project in Bristol, which analyzed thousands of children born between 1991 and 1992.

The results found that when alcohol consumption and obesity coexist, they cause more damage to the liver. It is also responsible for the rapid increase in liver-related deaths.

The researchers also found that by age 17, one in 40 participants had fatty liver disease, while by age 24, one in five young adults had the disease.

In addition, one in every 40 women was suffering from a serious condition of the disease.

The team of researchers said that reducing the harms associated with alcohol and obesity is critical to tackling fatty liver disease in young people and requires immediate action by setting targets.

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1 in 5 people suffer from fatty liver disease, research

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