New cause of asthma discovered, scientists hopeful for cure

London: Scientists have discovered a new cause of asthma This May pave the way for treatment to prevent fatal disease.

Current treatments for asthma are based on the idea that it is an inflammatory disease. The fatal feature of this disease is invasiveness, a narrowing of the airways that causes difficulty in breathing.

New research in mice shows for the first time that narrowing of the airways is responsible for several features of the disease, such as inflammation, mucus secretion and a breakdown of the airway barriers that prevent infections.

Research findings suggest that the barrier damage, inflammation and mucus secretion caused by an asthma attack can be prevented by inhibiting a process (which usually involves the destruction of epithelial cells). These cells cover the inner and outer surfaces of the body.

Professor Judy Rosenblatt from King’s College London said that this discovery is the result of more than 10 years of work.

He said that the constriction of the vessels in asthma causes damage to the obstructions of the vessels. Without these barriers, asthmatic patients are prone to infections that lead to chronic inflammation, wound healing, and further attacks.

He said that now after understanding the basic system we are in a better position to avoid all incidents.

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New cause of asthma discovered, scientists hopeful for cure

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