Weight-loss surgery may make obese people eligible for kidney transplants, study finds

New York: In a recent study, experts have found that weight loss surgery can help patients who cannot get a kidney transplant due to obesity and kidney failure.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, obesity is one of the main reasons some patients are rejected for transplants.

But researchers say weight-loss surgery not only reduces patients’ weight to make them safely eligible for transplants, but also addresses other health problems.

The study looked at 183 patients with end-stage kidney disease from January 2019 to June 2023, of whom thirty-six underwent weight-loss surgery and then 10 underwent a kidney transplant.

Patients who underwent both operations lost 27 percent of their weight at the time of transplant, while their hypertension and diabetes were also better controlled.

Dr. Paramesh, who was part of the team of researchers, said in a news release that “we have seen that weight loss surgery is not just about weight loss, but also addresses other serious problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep deprivation.” can do

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Weight-loss surgery may make obese people eligible for kidney transplants, study finds

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