How was the timely treatment of snake bite possible?

After being bitten by a venomous snake, the person or animal has only a few breaths to live, especially if the snake is of a dangerous species, this time to save life can be even shorter.

According to medical experts, the incidence of snake bites increases two to three times during spring and summer due to which thousands of people die due to snake bites worldwide every year.

of the Scientific American website According to the report For the quick treatment of snake bites, researchers have come close to developing an antidote that can quickly counteract the effects of any venomous snake’s venom.


According to research published in the journal Science Transitional Medicine, researchers have developed an antibody called 95Met5 in the laboratory that fights against neurotoxins or toxic substances in the venom of various venomous snakes around the world.

According to the report, 138,000 people die from snakebites worldwide every year, while the survivors also face long-term medical problems.

At this time, snake venom is injected into horses to produce an antidote, and then their blood is purified to obtain antibodies, which work against the venom.

bite bite

But the effectiveness of the antidote obtained by this method is not high, while different antidotes are required for each species of snake and the risk of side effects increases with the use of horse antibodies. Now the newly developed antibody has been successfully tested in mice.

The antidote was tested by injecting lethal amounts of poison into the body of these mice, which succeeded in preventing paralysis and death.

The results so far are encouraging, but the researchers acknowledge that additional antibodies may be needed for the different types of neurotoxins in snake venom.

Developing a truly universal antidote will require identifying additional antibodies to help neutralize multiple types of venom and provide optimal treatment for snakebite victims, he said.

The drug will also undergo clinical trials in humans to confirm its efficacy and safety, despite all the hurdles, researchers hope, this is an important advance in the development of a more effective antidote.

snake snake

It should be remembered that the amount of poison entering the human body in case of a snake bite can be different, the more the snake feels threatened, the stronger it bites.

Pain and swelling at the site of the bite indicate that the snake’s venom has been transmitted, most snake bites are usually on the ankle or hand, after which the symptoms spread to the entire leg and shoulder.


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How was the timely treatment of snake bite possible?

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