Malaria vaccine is highly effective in young children

New data has revealed that a malaria vaccine developed with the help of scientists at the University of Oxford is effective in young children of the 78% more effective.

Results from a phase III trial in African children confirmed the vaccine’s efficacy and safety.

Researchers tested the vaccine on more than 4,800 young children from Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali and Tanzania and found that the vaccine’s effectiveness in children aged five to 17 months averaged 78 percent over one year. was

No vaccine has so far shown more than 55 percent effectiveness in children of this age, experts said.

A booster dose a year can maintain the vaccine’s effectiveness for the next six to 12 months, according to research published in the journal The Lancet. Overall, the effectiveness of the vaccine in children aged five to 36 months was between 68 and 75 percent.

In the study, the vaccine-induced immune response was stronger in children aged five to 17 months compared to children aged 18 to 36 months, while a slight improvement in effectiveness was observed.

Two and a half crore doses have been manufactured at the Serum Institute of India so far and are ready to be shipped in the next three to four months.

It should be noted that malaria is the biggest cause of child mortality in Africa and six million children die every year due to it.

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Malaria vaccine is highly effective in young children

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