It naturally contains antibodies against various diseases. Photo: File

Just as an educated mother is the guarantor of an educated nation, a healthy and energetic child is also the foundation of a healthy society.

Mother’s milk is a precious gift from the creator of the universe to the newborn baby. Just as when a guest comes to his house, the host spares no effort in welcoming him and prepares different kinds of dishes for him, so how will Allah the Exalted prevent the arrival of a guest who is worshiped by the angels and jinns.

From the mother’s womb to the teething stages, she managed to host her innocent angel very well, adding various ingredients to the mother’s milk which are impossible to substitute, considering the delicate condition of the newborn baby.

But the person who has been declared as the host of this new born guest is committing violation of God’s commands along with the loss of his right.

With the development in the world, the tendency of mothers to breastfeed their children has also decreased. According to a survey by Pakistan National Nutrition, one in five households does not breastfeed a newborn child. While 48 percent of mothers breastfeed only for five months. In Sindh, the rate of breastfeeding is relatively high compared to other regions, while Punjab province has the lowest rate in the country.

Breastfeeding saves the lives of more than 700,000 babies worldwide every year, most of them under six months of age. Breast milk contains minerals, amino acids, vitamins and nucleotides along with carbohydrates.

Nucleotide is an organic compound and plays an important role in the formation of DNA in the cell of the body. It also contains proteins, fatty acids, hormones, bacteria and sugars. These natural ingredients play an important role in the mental and physical development of the baby and complete its nutritional needs for six months.

The mother should start feeding her baby within one hour of birth and continue feeding from both breasts for seven to fifteen minutes every two hours. If for some reason there is difficulty in breastfeeding, the milk can be expressed and fed with a spoon and this milk can be stored in the refrigerator for about two days.

While milk stored in the freezer can be used for six months. However, heating it may reduce its effectiveness.

Employed women should also store milk in the refrigerator to feed the baby in their absence if it is not possible to take the baby to work. Otherwise, it is the responsibility of the government and other company owners to provide a place for women to breastfeed while working.

A child should not be deprived of his fundamental right at all. If breastfeeding is prohibited due to an illness, another woman’s milk can also be given.

In London, Dr. Natalie Shankar started a ‘milk bank’ called ‘Human Milk Foundation’. which collects and preserves the donated milk and ensures its timely delivery to the required children.

Different international organizations for children have also created different categories. Some believe that a baby should be exclusively breastfed for six months. While according to some institutions, after four months, the baby should start supplementary food.

It depends on different regions as to how long the child can be breastfed according to culture and religion. In Africa, women breastfeed their babies for up to four years, and in Islamic countries it is around two to two and a half years. Whereas in the UK it depends on the baby how long they breastfeed. On average, this period is about thirty months.

Milk begins to form during pregnancy and is secreted within twenty-four hours of birth. This process is accelerated after the baby sucks the mother’s breast. During the first three days, the colostrum is formed, which is fluid.

After that, as the newborn feeds, more milk starts to form. Progesterone and prolactin hormones play a very important role in this process. These hormones control the milk supply as well as the mother’s nervous system.

Clostridium is rich in nutrients. Many mothers have a misconception that early days milk is dirty and should be thrown away.

The point to think is that the colostrum of goat and buffalo milk itself is consumed because it is considered good, so how is this mother’s milk bad. There are many reasons why a baby may not breastfeed. In which modernism and various diseases are important. Patients suffering from HIV virus and TB cannot breastfeed their children, but there is no restriction for other diseases.

Mother’s milk provides the nutritional requirements of the baby in adequate quantity and also has many benefits. It contains naturally occurring antibodies against various diseases that boost immunity by acting as a vaccine against several diseases. These include measles, rubella, chicken pox, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and influenza.

It also protects children from various types of infections and allergies. Such as diarrhoea, stomach ache, eczema and asthma etc. The child does not complain of gas or constipation. Along with physical development, the brain and IQ level of such children are also faster than others.

Breastfeeding also brings numerous benefits to the mother. It does not require any additional cost. Available all the time. It does not have any preparation step hence saves time. There is no possibility of dirt in it. Naturally, there is an adequate interval between two pregnancies.

In breastfeeding mothers, the chances of developing uterine and breast cancer are very low. 20,000 maternal deaths per year due to breast cancer can be reduced. Breastfeeding during childbirth can facilitate the birth of the baby.

Excess body fat is lost. Weight gained during pregnancy is naturally lost. Due to extraordinary attention to diet, anemia is soon removed. It is also possible to prevent depression, high blood pressure, joint pain, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and menstruation for more than a certain number of days after delivery.

While bottle-fed babies have an increased rate of infection. Because it is difficult to thoroughly wash and sterilize the bottle after each feeding.

Although ‘formula milk’ is mostly prepared from cow’s milk, it is still not a substitute for mother’s milk. There is a possibility of it becoming malnourished and it becomes difficult to maintain it all the time.

World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action and UNICEF jointly celebrate Breastfeeding Awareness Week from 1st to 7th August every year. For the first time in 1992, this week was celebrated in 120 countries and this step is also the most important need of the time.

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