Many fears can be overcome with the help of exposure therapy

Berlin: According to a new study, using exposure therapy to overcome one phobia of a sufferer can also overcome other phobias.

According to research recently published in the journal Translational Psychiatry, people who have phobias of certain objects or specific situations can overcome their phobias if they are confronted with that fear.

Iris Kodzaga, a lead researcher from the Department of Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience at Ruhr University in Germany, said that it is very common for people who have one phobia to develop more than one phobia over time. are

However, they all can be treated with exposure therapy targeting only one phobia, he said.

The researchers recruited 50 people who had a fear of spiders as well as a fear of heights. They used exposure therapy targeting fear of spiders only.

The results showed that those who underwent exposure therapy to overcome their fear of spiders experienced an average 15% reduction in their fear of heights.

Exposure therapy has proven to be the most effective treatment for various types of phobias. In this treatment, the sufferer learns to control his fear by confronting the fear-provoking situation under the supervision of a therapist.

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Many fears can be overcome with the help of exposure therapy

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