Food choices can define personality traits, research suggests

Vienna: A study has shown that certain foods can define the personality traits of those who eat those foods.

Ever since the investigation went viral on the internet in 2016, people have been shocked to read about what it says. According to research, the relationship between food choices and psychological and social characteristics can be seen.

In the study, researchers from the University of Innsbruck in Austria surveyed more than 900 people and their favorite foods and drinks. They were then given a personality test that measured psychopathy, selfishness, aggressiveness and sadism. Examined anti-social traits like favoritism.

Research has shown that increased enjoyment of bitter foods is associated with increased satiety tendencies. These foods include black coffee and chocolate.

In two studies, scientists tried to figure out how a preference for bitter tastes might be related to antisocial personality traits, the study reported. The results of these studies confirmed the association of bitter taste with negative personality traits.

For the study, 2,000 drivers filled out a 12-question questionnaire that sought to determine which individuals had the characteristics of a psychiatric illness. According to the ScrapCar survey, BMW drivers topped the list with an average score of 12.1. While the Audi driver came second with a score of 11.7.

Compared to them, the average driver score was 6.6.

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Food choices can define personality traits, research suggests

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