Success in diagnosing pregnancy-related heart disease with the help of AI

Florida: AI technology has achieved another breakthrough in the medical field. In which to be able to perform accurate examination related to heart diseases in pregnant women.

American scientists conducted research on heart disease during pregnancy with the help of AI technology and common stethoscope.

Dr. Damilade, a cardiologist from the city of Florida and the lead researcher of the study, said that AI has the ability to diagnose pregnancy-related heart disease, which is called peripartum cardiomyopathy in English.

Although pregnancy-related heart disease can be life-threatening, it is treatable. In this condition, after the birth of the child, the mother’s heart becomes quite weak.

According to the American Heart Association, this new digital stethoscope analyzes electrocardiogram data and heart sounds to detect up to twice as many cases of heart disease as regular and long-term care.

Experts said it is important to identify heart failure due to pregnancy because symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swelling, weight gain and rapid heart rate can be attributed to common pregnancy symptoms, which are a risk factor. is the reason

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Success in diagnosing pregnancy-related heart disease with the help of AI

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