Advances in modern technology

Innovative technologies are not only playing an important role in changing the map of the world, but also surprising people. Such inventions are coming to the fore, which were never thought of. Some of these modern technologies. is being mentioned below.

Early diagnosis of cancer…dramatic progression

Every year 8 million people die of cancer. The main problem with this disease is that it is detected when it has grown enough. In lung cancer, the tumor is seen when it is about the size of a cricket ball. It is difficult to detect early cancer in routine health screening, due to which late diagnosis complicates the disease and makes its treatment quite difficult. After 15 years of research, scientists and doctors from Nottingham (UK) and Kansas (USA) have developed a simple blood test to diagnose cancer, calling it an important milestone in the diagnosis of this disease. is going.

This new technology involves detecting the first molecular sign of cancer. When cancer cells begin to form, certain proteins (antigens) are produced that stimulate the body’s immune system and respond by producing antibodies. are

A blood test developed will detect this and help scientists identify the exact antigens and associated antibodies, thereby identifying the type of cancerous tumor that is forming. This can be done with just 10 ml of blood from the patient, which will be included in the routine test. Through this, the cancer will be detected at an early stage, which is usually a curable stage. The test has led to dramatic improvements in the treatment of lung cancer patients in pilot studies and significant improvements in 90 percent of other solid cancers.

Treatment of stroke through vacuum

After heart diseases, stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide. About 10 percent of deaths worldwide are due to stroke, which is caused by a blockage in the blood supply to the brain. This blockage is caused by clot formation or rupture of a blood vessel, which is called hembridge. 80 percent of strokes are ischemic strokes, in which a clot forms in the brain. A new procedure is being developed to treat strokes, which will use a vacuum-based technique.

In this procedure, the clot will be removed from the blood vessels. This procedure would be applied within hours of a stroke, to quickly restore blood supply to the brain and prevent complete brain damage. The technology, developed by a company called Penumbra, involves inserting a cathedral into the patient’s blood vessels in the space between the thighs.

This cathedral is taken up to the neck and then another smaller cathedral emerges from it and a vacuum is used to reach the affected part of the brain and then the clot is pulled out through it. By using this method, the lives of 72 patients have been saved so far. This feat has been done at the Seaman MR Research Center at the University of Calgary in Canada. However, it is only useful in case of large strokes.Nezas will also require proper training to use successfully.

Nanoparticle vaccine for diabetic patients

One in every 400 children has type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes. It occurs when white blood cells break apart and attack insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This results in elevated glucose levels in the blood and urine of these children, and if not treated with insulin, the condition can be life-threatening.

Although such patients have to be given constant insulin because there is no other treatment, but now there is a glimmer of hope from the work of researchers working at the Julia McFarlanes Diabetes Research Center at the University of Conger, Alberta, Canada. The research group successfully treated type 1 diabetes in mice with a nanoparticle vaccine, using particles thousands of times smaller than cells.

These particles were coated with certain protein parts (peptides) that are specific to type 1 diabetes. One advantage of this approach was that it reversed the immune system’s tendency to attack insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. While it did not have any negative effect on the immune system which is essential to fight various disease causing germs and viruses. In this regard, a biotechnology company is working on a new technology, so that it can be presented on a commercial scale.

DNAtesting … in a few hours

Since the first half of the last century, the method of DNA testing after fingerprints has been discovered to identify criminals. After the samples are collected from the scene, it takes two weeks to get them to the laboratory and complete the identification process, while most genetic tests take 24 to 27 hours. However, the need for rapid DNA testing is being felt.

The University of Kansas, located in Arizona, has developed a new chip in collaboration with the Forensic Science Service of Great Britain, which produces results within 4 hours. Efforts are being made to further improve this technology and reduce the time taken for the test. Reduce it to 2 hours. This technology will soon be offered on a commercial scale.

Treatment of soft bones with the help of nano fiber tablets

Cartilage or soft bone injuries are difficult to treat and are usually left to heal on their own. But if the newly formed bone is not formed properly, then this process is not proven to be better, that is, if it is not formed in the same form or does not work in the way that the previous bone did, then it cannot perform this task in the same way. Often the patient’s own cells are injected smoothly to start the healing process. But if these cells are not inserted smoothly around the wound, this method is not satisfactory.

Scientists at the University of Michigan, USA, have developed a small sphere made of a special fiber that spreads the patient’s cells through a needle in a perfectly smooth manner. Nutrients are also locked inside this nano-shell which accelerates the healing process of the wound.This small spherical object is made from a material which is self-degrading and dissolves itself without causing any side effects. Nanotechnology has millions of applications in every human field.

Destroying bacteria with a flashlight

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering University of Sydney and The City University of Hong Kong, has developed a touchless plasma flashlight that kills bacteria instantly.

Powered by a tiny 21 volt light, this light emits a plume of plasma at 32 degrees Celsius, which is perfectly safe for our skin and kills bacteria. The exact mechanism by which this flashlight works is not known. However, it emits weak ultraviolet UV light that is probably responsible for its activity or bactericidal effects from the surrounding environment.

Diagnosis of diseases by breath analysis

In the future, doctors will be able to analyze your breath and the disease you are suffering from with the help of a small thermometer-like device. Will be able to provide information about it. Until now, it has been possible to find out how much a person is intoxicated by alcohol through breath analysis. Efforts are now being made to use this technology to diagnose cancer, diabetes and infectious diseases. This work is done by exploiting the fact that people suffering from different diseases have different metabolic patterns.

Therefore, a person suffering from a particular disease needs a particular compound, for example, sugar, which contains a particular isotope of carbon. given by feeding or injection and then analyzing the level of this isotope in exhaled carbon dioxide to identify the specific disease. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are working on a technology that will lead to a handheld Metabolic Breath Analyzer. It will be an important tool for medical practitioners.

The fight against cancer… gold nanostars

When the size of any material is reduced to the nanometer range, its special properties are revealed. As a result of the extraordinary properties of these materials, the field of nanotechnology is creative materials, which is the most important field of science and technology of the present day.

A nanometer is one billionth of a meter (or one millionth of a millimeter), and nanotechnology involves a material that is 100 nanometers (nm) in size. The scale involved can be approximated by the fact that the diameter of the DNA double helix is ​​2nm, while the shortest cell form of life, bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma, is 200nm in length.

The biggest problem in the treatment of cancer patients with chemotherapy is that the drug attacks normal healthy cells as well, resulting in severe side effects. Scientists are looking for ways to selectively target cancer cells using a “shotgun” approach, in which it kills cancer cells as well as normal healthy cells.

If only the target is targeted, the amount of drug used will also be significantly reduced, as a small amount of the drug will target the cancer cells and protect them from harmful side effects. Scientists at Northwestern University have developed gold nanoparticles that will target only the nuclei of cancer cells.

The drug will be used against cancer cells that are attached to the star-shaped gold nanostars. These nanostars will only be loaded with anti-cancer drugs that will bind to proteins on the surface of cancer cells. This protein would act like a mini shuttle service to deliver the nanostar to the cell’s nucleus and then kill only the cancer cells.

Faster computers to explore dark matter and energy

The world’s fastest computer “RoadRunner” has been developed in collaboration with IBM and Alamos National Los Laboratory. It has the ability to run a thousand billion programs in a second. It is being used for the US nuclear program, genomics and climate change. That its 8 terabytes of memory weighs 50,0000 pounds.

Only 6.4 percent of the mass of the universe is made up of visible matter, which is composed of atoms. While 32 percent is dark matter, which is invisible but its presence is confirmed by the motion of galaxies, the remaining 37 percent of the universe consists of an even more mysterious substance called dark energy. This is the greatest hidden mystery of the universe. Although dark matter cannot be seen directly, but the grasp of the clusters of galaxies is felt.

Dark energy is also thought to be responsible for the rapid increase in the size of the universe. The basic unit used for calculations in Road Runner is a particle equal to the mass of billions of atoms. The need for such a large unit arose because the number of galaxies being modeled, or being modeled, is equivalent to trillions of pigs. It takes 64 million or more “billion” to replicate the dimensions of the computer universe. “Sun” particles. These figures and calculations really boggle the mind.

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Advances in modern technology

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