New Vibrating Pill to Treat Obesity

Boston: Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new vibrating pill that can help us lose weight without giving up junk food. The idea behind this pill is that it can be an easy way to treat acne.

This pill goes into the stomach and sends a signal to the brain and gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach, thus preventing the hand from eating more.

This pill can replace methods such as surgery, exercise or diet used to fight obesity by using the body’s own systems.

In an animal study, researchers found that when animals were given the pill 20 minutes before a meal, their food consumption decreased by up to 40 percent.

People who want to lose weight or control their appetite can take this pill before every meal, said Assistant Professor Shriya Srinivasan from MIT.

He said the invention could provide an alternative mechanism capable of reducing the harm caused by other drugs.

This multivitamin capsule-sized capsule also helps reduce hunger-inducing hormones in the body.

The way this pill works is that the jelly-like outer layer dissolves when the pill, powered by a small silver oxide battery, reaches the stomach. Thus the electrical circuit is completed and the vibrating motor is activated.

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New Vibrating Pill to Treat Obesity

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