Smart clothing powered by solar energy

Beijing: Chinese scientists have created solar-powered smart clothes that act as personal air conditioners.

According to scientists at Nankai University, the system embedded in clothing uses flexible solar cells and electrical devices that work together to create clothing that enables the body to adapt to ambient temperatures.

According to the authors, the purpose of traditional clothing is to keep people cool, which may be difficult to achieve in climate change. However, wearing these clothes in harsh environments such as space may prove more dangerous.


For living or researching in these harsh environments, clothing that can quickly adapt to extremely hot and extremely cold weather can be important.

According to new research, this system can be installed in traditional clothes. Once the system is installed, it can cool clothes down to 10.1 degrees Celsius and warm up to 3.2 degrees, which means the system can keep people warm even when the outside temperature is between 12.5 degrees to 37.6 degrees, 32 to 36 degrees. Can be kept in tolerable temperatures between

According to scientists, it can be used from 12 hours of sunlight to 24 hours.

Experts say this technology could pave the way for self-reliant wearable thermal management systems that humans can use to adapt to harsh environments.

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Smart clothing powered by solar energy

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