Flaxseed consumption may reduce breast cancer risk, research suggests

Toronto: A study found that consuming flax seeds can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

In a study conducted by researchers from the US state of Nebraska and Canada, rats were given a solution of linseed oil. This oil contains compounds called lignins, which are found in fiber-rich foods such as grains, seeds, nuts, and beverages such as coffee.

Research has shown that this compound initiates a connection between the gut microbiome and mammary gland microRNAs (which are linked to breast cancer growth).

The study found that mice that were given flaxseed oil were less likely to develop breast cancer.

According to the researchers, the findings may lead to new dietary recommendations for breast cancer prevention.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, and approximately 300,000 women are diagnosed with the disease each year.

If these findings are confirmed, the microbiota could become a new target for dietary breast cancer prevention, said study author Dr. Elena M. Comelli from the University of Toronto.

Previous studies have shown that lignans have anti-inflammatory properties and cause the body to produce less estrogen, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer.

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Flaxseed consumption may reduce breast cancer risk, research suggests

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