The age of a human being is twenty thousand years...

You must have heard and seen that when the time of death approaches for many people, they say with great regret: “Hey, death has come so soon!” We have not done such and such work yet. Life has passed in a blink of an eye” according to the poet

Zamana was listening with great interest

They used to tell us sleepy stories

Now medical science has come into the field to ease the difficulties of such people. Some medical scientists claim that it is possible to extend human life up to “twenty thousand years” through research and experiments. As if by getting such a long life, a person will be able to fulfill all his longings and desires, which usually do not reach completion in a period of seventy and eighty years.

And it is hoped that in this 20,000-year lifespan, man will remain healthy and strong for a long time. Obviously, if after a thousand years his strong ones become weak and incompetent, then what is to be done after living for twenty thousand years? Then this life will not be a spring but a punishment.

Required changes in body machinery

Interestingly, as we know, in ancient times, human beings lived for hundreds of years. For example, it is recorded in the Bible that Adam lived for nine hundred and thirty years. In modern times, this sounds like a big deal… but now medical science itself has begun to claim that man can live not for hundreds, but for thousands of years, if the necessary changes are made in his body machinery.

Over the past century, human lifespan has increased thanks to modern medicine and treatment. Otherwise, earlier people used to die at the age of fifty or sixty due to diseases, inadequate diet and bad lifestyle. Very few people live to the age of eighty and ninety years and their old age passes by enduring pain and suffering. Now, if a person takes care of health and fitness and adopts a good lifestyle, he can live up to eighty-ninety years.

In modern times, medical scientists have developed two basic theories regarding human aging. First, human beings are naturally “programmed” to live for a maximum of one hundred fifteen or twenty years.

This natural program can be changed a little, not a lot! The second theory says that the machinery of the human body is like software. If appropriate changes are made in it, it is possible to increase the human lifespan considerably.

Specialist in Gyroscience

Medical scientists supporting the second theory are looking for components, software and signals that can increase the lifespan of the human body at the cellular level. Among these experts is the Portuguese-born British medical scientist, João Pedro de Magalhães.

Jao Pedro is an expert in the new and emerging scientific field of “geroscience”. In this science, the wonder of old age is specially researched. The experts of this knowledge want to know how, when, why and how old age occurs on living beings. It is as if they want to get to the bottom of this wonder that eventually leads every living being in the world to the embrace of death and makes it extinct. Gives.

Long-lived organisms

Jao Pedro is a professor at the Institute of Inflammation and Aging at the University of Birmingham, UK. They are studying the genes of long-lived animals such as the bowhead whale (250 years old) and the naked mole-rat, which lives much longer than its size. That is, he lives up to thirty-seven years.

After researching these organisms, Jao Pedro has come to the conclusion that if humans can stop aging at the cellular level, they can live for twenty thousand years. This is a surprising and interesting discovery.

The question is, how will this reasonable increase in age be? Jau Pedro says that aging occurs when specific cellular systems in our body are damaged. If these cellular systems are corrected, aging will also continue.

But until now, scientists have not been able to discover mechanisms or tools that can repair damaged cellular systems. However, Go Pedro hopes that in the future, medical scientists will discover this mechanism.

Medicine set

Jao says that a century ago, his grandfather died due to pneumonia. Pneumonia was a dangerous disease then. But when he contracted measles as a child forty-five years ago, a small dose of penicillin cured him.

Citing this example, he says that one day medical experts will discover drugs or methods that can defeat aging.

This British medical expert says that humans may not be able to create a drug like penicillin that can stop aging, but a combination of drugs will do the hard work. For example, scientists have invented a drug called “Sirolimus” using a microbe, SH (Streptomyces hygroscopicus), which slows down the aging process in animals by 10 to 15 percent. Now this drug has been approved for humans as well. This drug slows down the cellular system. However, the aging of the living beings also happens at a slow pace.

Jao Pedro says: “If this drug slows the rate of aging in humans by 15 percent, it will be a dramatic achievement.” I think that in the next three to four hundred years, medical experts will create a set of medicines that we will have to eat every day. These medicines will protect us from old age and human life span will reach several hundred years.

DNA repair and specialized genes

Research by Jau and other medical scientists has shown that cells in long-lived organisms, such as bowhead whales, naked mole rats and elephants, have a special ability to repair their DNA. are

Remember, all the genetic information of a cell is stored in DNA. If this information gets corrupted, the cell also gets sick and dies.

Another fact came out that these animals have special genes that protect them from infectious diseases. For example, a gene called “p53” is abundant in elephants. This gene prevents elephants from getting cancer and they survive this dangerous disease. Both the bowhead whale and the necked mole rat have similar genes.

Note that the naked mole rat is smaller than the normal rat. However, the average rat can only live for three to four years. Whereas the naked mole rat has acquired such powers over millions and millions of years of evolution that it can survive much longer without their help.

A prominent secret to this longevity is that the cells of the naked mole rat repair their damaged DNA. According to Jao Pedro, if a person gets this same ability, he can do more useful and positive activities by extending his age.

Dysfunctional organs and cellular systems

Medical experts have discovered organs and cellular systems in humans that contribute to the development of the growing baby. But when the child becomes an adult, they stop working. Experts are looking for ways to somehow reactivate these organs and cellular systems. They believe that by reactivating them, it will be possible to prevent aging.

Take the thymus gland for example. It is located in our chest. In infancy and childhood, this gland secretes “T cells” that make our immune system stronger and stronger. But by puberty, this gland is almost dead and makes very few T cells. Rather, it often turns into fat and harms human health.

Experts are trying to find a mechanism to somehow reactivate this gland. Then it will start making T-cells again and the presence of these cells will greatly help in preventing aging.

Our immune system

The human immune system works with the help of many cell types and different body systems. Over time, its cells and subsystems weaken. But if a mechanism is found to regenerate these cells and systems, the immune system will automatically become as powerful as before. And as soon as it gets its strength, the person will start getting young again.

That is why it is sometimes seen that an old person starts to get young again. The hair turned black. Keep skin wrinkles. The face also brightened. The main reason for this change is that for some reason the immune system of a person starts to get stronger again and it brings positive changes.

Therefore, medical scientists have found an anti-aging “roadmap”. Now, walking on this highway, they have to find such milestones that will remove human aging and make man not only young but also increase his age considerably. An interesting but fraught journey is facing mankind.

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The age of a human being is twenty thousand years...

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