Fasting for 14 hours a day can improve mood

London: Fasting for 14 hours a day can help us feel less hungry, have more energy and be in a better mood, according to a new study.

A study conducted at King’s College London found that limiting meal times to 10 hours (meaning eating between 9am and 7pm) can have positive health effects.

Some advocates of intermittent fasting limit this period of eating to six hours (for example, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.). But the latest research shows that even less restrictive periods can have positive effects on mood, energy and appetite.

In the study, the researchers used the ZOE app in which participants entered daily details about their health.

More than 37 thousand people participated on the app. During this time they were asked to eat normally for a week and then for 14 days they were asked to eat in 10-hour intervals.

At the same time, the researchers asked these people to record details about their mood, energy and appetite.

The analysis found that those who fasted for 14 hours a day reported better energy and mood and less hunger.

Researcher Dr Sarah Barry, from King’s College London, said the study was the largest outside a controlled environment to show that intermittent fasting can improve your health in a real-world way. .

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Fasting for 14 hours a day can improve mood

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