35 nursing colleges closed due to lack of medical training and hospitals

To establish any nursing college, the college should also have its own 100-bed hospital. Photo: File

Karachi: Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) has closed more than 35 non-standard nursing colleges across the country, including Karachi. And fill other deficiencies otherwise these colleges will also be closed.

Most commercial based nursing colleges are providing substandard education, there are more private nursing colleges in Karachi, commercial based substandard nursing colleges do not have hospitals for clinical practice, Pakistan Nursing Council last 5 years. I had given permission to open 500 nursing colleges across the country.

The Pakistan Nursing Council has allowed 500 nursing colleges to open in the last 5 years across the country including Karachi. Nursing colleges established in small bungalows and buildings do not have clinical instructors or nursing instructors. Bachelor of Nurse (BS Generic Nursing) course is a 4-year degree course. This is called graduation.

In a private nursing college, 4 batches are admitted in 4 years, that is, 50 students are admitted in a batch in a year in a school, thus in a 4-year degree course, 200 students are under education in a college. For the process, 12 clinical instructors and 12 nursing instructors are required for the faculty in a college. There is a principal post but in 90% of private nursing colleges in Sindh including Karachi, this faculty is present in the papers.

According to the Pakistan Nursing Council, to establish any nursing college, this college should also have its own 100-bed hospital so that the students of its nursing college can do co-clinical practice. 90% of private nursing colleges in Sindh, including Karachi, have their own hospital. Not at all.

2 lakh admission fee from each student in private nursing colleges

NOC is also taken by the Government of Sindh after the Pakistan Nursing Council gives permission to open any private nursing college, co-college and BS Generic Nursing Course. A fee is charged.

After establishing a nursing college and getting NOC, an admission fee of 150 to 200,000 rupees is charged from a nursing student while per semester the student is charged 80 to 100,000 rupees. are completed in the year.

According to the sources, students of private nursing colleges are charged 5 thousand rupees for enrollment and 3 thousand rupees for examination. 2 to 3 clinical instructors are working in private nursing colleges of Sindh while the college The qualification of the principal should be Master in Nursing but most of the colleges do not have a principal.

Nursing colleges started giving funds of lakhs to teaching hospitals

The private nursing college administrations are forced to conduct clinical practice by paying lakhs of rupees in the name of funds to the management of public and private teaching hospitals for clinical practice for their students. are

There is no audit of these welfare funds. Currently, there are 60 private nursing colleges in Karachi that collect money from their students in the name of clinical practice every year, who give 2 to 5 lakh rupees to the welfare fund. A sum of 20 lakh rupees is collected from male and female students for clinical practice.

5% of private nursing colleges in Karachi include Aga Khan Hospital, Liaquat National Hospital, Indus Hospital, Ziauddin Hospital and other hospitals. Colleges are established on commercial basis with incomplete faculty without hospitals where female and male students of sectors are getting nominal education for degree in the name of nursing against heavy fees. Surprisingly, in this whole matter, Pakistan Nursing Council Eyes are closed.

14 government nursing colleges in Karachi and 37 in Sindh

The number of private nursing colleges in Karachi is 60, the number of these private colleges is 33 in Hyderabad and the interior, the number of government nursing colleges is 14 in Karachi and 37 colleges are established in interior Sindh. There are 3 nursing colleges running under it, the total number of public and private nursing colleges in Sindh including Karachi is 152.

There are 34 public nursing colleges in Balochistan and 58 public nursing colleges and 142 private nursing colleges in Punjab, 15 public and 125 private nursing colleges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 3 public nursing colleges and 15 private nursing colleges in Islamabad, 3 public nursing colleges and private nursing colleges in Azad Kashmir. 2 Nursing Colleges There are 2 government nursing colleges and one private nursing college established in Gilgit-Balistan.

Nursing uniforms will change in the future

Jawad Amin Khan, president of Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council, said that in the future, minor changes will be made in the nursing uniform. Lakhs of nurses are registered and there is a severe shortage of nurses in the country, action has been initiated against all such non-standard nursing colleges, nursing plays an important role in the health sector, strict policy has been formulated on nursing education and training.

Nursing college will have merit based registration

Jawad Amin Khan said that the Nursing Council website has been fully activated, now all nursing colleges will be registered on the basis of merit, he further said that more centers should be opened in all provinces to facilitate the registration of nursing colleges. Going forward, the new council has decided that new and quality colleges will be established for the education and training of nurses in the country and a committee has also been formed on the service structure of the nursing sector under the uniform policy.

Send recommendations to close 25 percent nursing colleges, Jawad Amin Khan

Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council President Jawad Amin Khan told Express that the council’s inspection team has sent recommendations to close 25 percent of nursing colleges that are running substandard.

He said that the process of closing such non-standard nursing colleges has been started, the faculty including clinical instructors and nursing instructors are not complete in these non-standard nursing colleges, and fees are being collected from the students by establishing colleges in small bungalows. will be designed and taught according to modern requirements.

In this regard, the new cabinet of Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council has formed a raiding team and is compiling a report of all nursing colleges by raiding all over Pakistan, they said that these are the nursing colleges that were registered during the last 5 years. were

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35 nursing colleges closed due to lack of medical training and hospitals

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