Why is high blood pressure called the silent killer?

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A recent United Nations report reveals that the ability to prevent one million deaths worldwide depends on tackling the massive problem of high blood pressure.

According to foreign media, this report of the United Nations describes the important implications of high blood pressure on global health.

According to reports, high blood pressure is often hidden in the human body without any symptoms or any shadow and the person does not know what disease he is suffering from.

The United Nations report highlights the fact that high blood pressure plays a major role in mortality and disability.

According to the report, high blood pressure plays a role in increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure and kidney problems.

Alarming figures revealed in the report show that nearly one-third of adults worldwide suffer from high blood pressure, with a staggering 48 percent of adults in the US alone suffering from the disease.

According to foreign media, according to an estimate, worldwide deaths due to high blood pressure are more than deaths due to smoking and diabetes.

According to the report, the number of people suffering from high blood pressure has increased from 650 million in 1990 to 1.3 billion in 2019 and the alarming thing is that almost half of them are unaware of their condition.

The report highlights the need for people to know about the disease, including regular blood pressure checks.

According to foreign media, 140/90 or more is usually called high blood pressure, but it can be classified by age, lifestyle, and other factors.

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Why is high blood pressure called the silent killer?

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