Anger increases heart disease risk, experts sayAnger increases heart disease risk, experts say

New York: A new study has revealed that when a person is in a state of anger, the risk of heart diseases increases significantly.

According to media reports, in a recent study, researchers found that anger constricts blood vessels in an unhealthy way, increasing the risk of heart disease.

“If you’re a person who’s angry all the time, you’re getting chronic damage to your blood vessels,” said study author Dr. Daiichi Shimbo, a cardiologist at Columbia University.

In their study, Dr. Daiichi and his team examined blood vessel activity while participants were in a state of anger. Anger states were compared with anxiety, sadness, and normal emotion states.

Researchers found that anger causes the blood vessels to weaken. These effects last for 40 minutes after the rage wears off.

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Anger increases heart disease risk, experts say

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